cl-opengl copied to clipboard
shader-vao is broken.
The example is opening and closing fast and breaking the slime connection.
I couldn't find where the problem is, but I reduced the sample code to a minimal example that works:
(require :sdl2)
(require :cl-opengl)
(require :cl-glut)
(defun runtime-load-shader (shader-type shader-src)
(let ((shader (gl:create-shader shader-type)))
(gl:shader-source shader shader-src)
(gl:compile-shader shader)
(defun alloc-array-buffer (verts)
(let ((array-buffer (gl:gen-buffer))
(arr (gl:alloc-gl-array :float (length verts))))
(gl:bind-buffer :array-buffer array-buffer)
(dotimes (i (length verts))
(setf (gl:glaref arr i) (aref verts i)))
(gl:buffer-data :array-buffer :static-draw arr)
(gl:free-gl-array arr)
(defun create-new-program (program)
(let ((verts #(0.0 280.0
-280.0 -280.0
280.0 -280.0))
(vs (runtime-load-shader :vertex-shader "#version 120
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
attribute vec2 coord2d;
void main(void) {
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * vec4(coord2d, 0.0, 1.0);
(fs (runtime-load-shader :fragment-shader "#version 120
void main(void) {
gl_FragColor[0] = 0.0;
gl_FragColor[1] = 0.0;
gl_FragColor[2] = 1.0;
(coord2d nil))
(gl:attach-shader program vs)
(gl:attach-shader program fs)
(gl:link-program program)
(alloc-array-buffer verts)
(setf coord2d (gl:get-attrib-location program "coord2d"))
(gl:use-program program)
(gl:enable-vertex-attrib-array coord2d)
(gl:vertex-attrib-pointer coord2d
(defun draw-triangle ()
(gl:draw-arrays :triangles 0 3))
(defun program-shutdown (program)
(gl:delete-program program))
(defclass glut-test-window (glut:window)
((program :accessor program))
(:default-initargs :width 800 :height 600
:mode '(:double :rgb :depth) :title "shader-vao-test"))
(defmethod glut:display-window :before ((w glut-test-window))
(setf (program w) (gl:create-program))
(create-new-program (program w)))
(defmethod glut:display ((w glut-test-window))
(gl:clear-color 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.0)
(gl:clear :color-buffer-bit)
(defmethod glut:reshape ((w glut-test-window) width height)
(gl:viewport 0 0 800 600)
(gl:matrix-mode :projection)
(gl:ortho -400 400 -300 300 -1.0 1.0)
(when (program w)
(let ((proj-mat (gl:get-float :projection-matrix)))
(gl:get-uniform-location (program w) "projectionMatrix")
(vector proj-mat))))
(gl:matrix-mode :modelview)
(defmethod glut:keyboard ((w glut-test-window) key x y)
(declare (ignore x y))
(case key
(#\Esc (glut:destroy-current-window))))
(defun glut-test ()
(let ((w (make-instance 'glut-test-window)))
(glut:display-window w)
(program-shutdown (program w))))
It is possible that I am missing of many things here, but I am trying to learn and keep things simple, the example given is big and scary for the beginner. Not that it isn't necessary, but it would also be nice to have a minimal example using modern opengl (although the above code is limiting itself to opengl ES 2.0 standards, so version 120 is being used, which is not that modern).