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Minecraft on the command line


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HeadlessMc will not allow you to play without having bought Minecraft! Accounts will always be validated. Offline accounts can only be used to run the game headlessly in CI/CD pipelines.

HeadlessMc allows you to launch Minecraft from the command line. It is also able to instrument the game: before launch the bytecode of the games libraries can be modified. HeadlessMc aims to use this feature to

  • add a command line interface to Minecraft, which can control the game.
  • redirect every method in the lwjgl library, causing Minecraft not to render anything, thus making it "headless".
  • patch the Log4J vulnerability.

How to use

All you need is the headlessmc-launcher.jar file and java ≥ 8 installed. The launcher will start after you executed java -jar headlessmc-launcher.jar in a terminal of your choice. Double-clicking the jar is not supported. After that HeadlessMc will create a HeadlessMc/config.properties file. Edit that file, create a key hmc.java.versions inside. The value should be a ; separated list to of java executables HeadlessMc can use, like this:

hmc.java.versions=C:/Program Files/Java/jre-<version>/bin/java;C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-<version>/bin/java

After you are done, type config -refresh then java -refresh, press enter, and you are ready start. Here are some of the most important commands:

Name Description Args/Flags
help Lists commands and prints informations. <command/id> <arg> -id
quit Exits HeadlessMc.
versions Lists all Minecraft versions currently installed. -release -snapshot -other
download Lists available Minecraft versions and downloads them. <version> -id -release -snapshot -other -refresh
login Logs into a Microsoft account. <email>, will open a context for entering the password.
launch Launches Minecraft. <version/id> -commands -lwjgl -paulscode -lookup -jndi -noout -keep -exit
forge Installs Minecraft Forge. <version/id> <--uid>
fabric Installs Fabric. <version/id>

To launch the game in headless mode type use the launch command with the -lwjgl flag: launch <version> -lwjgl

Arguments passed to commands have to be separated using spaces. If you want to pass an Argument which contains spaces you need to escape it using quotation marks, like this: "argument with spaces". Quotation marks and backslashes can be escaped by using a backslash.

HeadlessMc can be configured using properties. These can be passed as SystemProperties from the command line or via the HeadlessMc/config.properties file. Additional configs can be added to the HeadlessMc/configs folder. For available information see the HmcProperties, the LauncherProperties, the RuntimeProperties or the LwjglProperties.

:warning: Because I don't want to get into trouble HeadlessMc will not store your account credentials. If you don't want to enter them everytime you can supply them using the properties (at your own risk).


In attempt to provide some debuggability HeadlessMc can control the game using commands when launching it with the -commands flag. However, because I wanted this to be "not-version-specific", this is just java-reflection in form of commands. For more comfortable implementations, which you can use without java-knowledge, take a look at the HMC-Specifics.

I don't want to go into greater detail about this because it's awful, and I don't even use it myself, so just a quick example on how to exit the game gracefully in Minecraft 1.12.2 vanilla:

Get the Minecraft class and store it in the 0th register (since this is vanilla we need to use obfuscated names):
class bib 0 -dump
Get the Minecraft instance from the class and store it in the 1st register:
field 0 R 1 or method 0 z 1
Invoke the shutdown method on the Minecraft instance in the 1st register:
method 1 n 2

One day I might add support for mappings, so you don't need to look up the obfuscated names.


You don't need to be able to code to contribute. It would be cool to eliminate as many potential crashes as possible by running as many versions as possible using the -lwjgl flag. When your game crashes please open an issue.

If you contribute code: Please document your stuff and write tests. Also try to follow the code style: wrap your lines after 80 characters. codestyle.xml is code style configuration for Intellij.

License, more documentation, etc.

Look here for more in-depth documentation about the project.

Some cool libraries we use:

HeadlessMc is licensed under the MIT License.