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Suggestion: modifying the TP4056 to operate closer to the MPP of the panel

Open FBMinis opened this issue 11 months ago • 5 comments

It is explained here that these little 5V panels will never deliver the 1A current the TP4056 is setup to pull:

I have determined that the MPP of my solar panel under full sunlight is reached with current around 80mA using this test method:

I suggest replacing the 1.2K resistor on the TP4056 with a 20K trimmer potentiometer and slowly increase the resistance until the power value reaches a maximum.


Sunlight based I-V characterization of solar PV.pdf

Thank you for your project, I'm going to try to build it. The code is very well commented, I think it will be straightforward.


FBMinis avatar Sep 25 '23 19:09 FBMinis