DllExport copied to clipboard
Examples of Linux C++ app using DLLexport-ed C# DLL
. . .
The question is related to:
DllExport -version
: 1.7.4 - Copy-paste from
Installed: True; 1.7.4+c1cc52f; invoked: 1.7.4
Project type: Cs
Storage: ProjectFiles
Compiler.Platform: Auto
Compiler.ordinalsBase: 1
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PostProc.ProcEnv: $(SolutionPath);$(MSBuildThisFileFullPath)
Identifier: 090A6B9F-530D-44C0-8C15-006EAEF5555E
Instance: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe
Project path: C:\Projects\DLLExportTest\DLLExportTest\DLLExportTest.csproj
Action: Configure
TargetFramework: netstandard2.0
MetaLib: tools\raw\lib\net20\DllExport.dll
MetaCor: tools\raw\lib\netstd\DllExport.dll
StoragePath: .net.dllexport.targets
ddNS: DLLExportTest
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RootPath: C:\Projects\DLLExportTest\
PkgPath: C:\Projects\DLLExportTest\packages\\DllExport.1.7.4\
SlnDir: C:\Projects\DLLExportTest\
DxpTarget: tools\net.r_eg.DllExport.targets
MsgGuiLevel: -1
I followed your example(s) in creating a C# DLL and using it in a C++ application (all successfully super duper awesome!!) I was wondering would (im not a huge linux guy sorry ahead for dumb questions) a linux C++ application be built the same way? My guess is no since i needed to include a include for Windows.h. but my guess would be there is an analogous header to use in linux land?
Or is this not possible with the current tooling? Or if it is is possible there an example of this?
Linux is not supported yet by this tool including my custom assembler on coreclr which was released only for windows today. But actually I'm not really want to add this support even in future because of modern unmanaged delegates. Time will tell.
gotcha. Well if you ever have the drive I think it'd be cool. Ive been trying to follow this and its just not as easy as your tool :-)
because of modern unmanaged delegates
@3F What did you exactly mean here? Obtaining delegate using nethost lib ?
For context: I'm looking for the way to use functions from dll created from C#-code on Linux OS in C++ code. So i've found two ways - mentioned Obtaining delegate using nethost lib and Native AOT Technology . As i understood your tool (DllExport) can't be used in my case?
@Poshjark https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-net-5-0-preview-5/
This tool/repo provides only windows support at current day.