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X-Plane OSM-based scenery generator based on original OSM2XP

Build Status

OSM2XP - Generate X-Plane 11, X-Plane 10 and X-Plane 9 scenery using OSM Data

This project is based on original OSM2XP by Benjamin Blanchet, code was originally taken from code.google.com/p/osm2xp

Original osm2xp

Supports generating buildings using facade set from OSM data loaded from pbf file, as well as generating

  • Forest zones
  • Some objects by rules

I've needed custom generation for small terrain area around an airfield and decided to extend old OSM2XP app to support this. Since initial task is generating X-Plane 10 scenery, most fixes I've done and all testing was done for X-Plane 10 scenery generation. I can't guarantee other modes will work correctly, but if you want to post some issues or offer some ideas/help for them - feel free to contact me.

Already done

Generation of

  • Buildings using facades or matching 3D objects
  • Roads, trying to select best matching road type, if lane count data is present in OSM. Road types are configurable from the UI
  • Railways
  • Power lines
  • Barriers, two types are supported - fence and wall
  • Water tanks, fuel tanks, gasometers - using special facade
  • Chimneys - are generated by inserting special objects taken from opensceneryx and ruscenery packages, as well as created by myself. Object with height closest to necessary is selected, e.g. for chimney with height 80m object with height=75m will be chosen
  • Bridges for roads and railways based on OSM markup
  • For buildings with type "garage" special facade is used, since using regular building facade for garage usually gives poor result
  • Airifields and heliports generation is supported starting from 3.5.0. Program can create apt.dat file for each airfield specified in OSM data.
  • Draped polygons support (from 4.x) for items like paved parkings

As well as

  • Using building:levels tag value if no height tag specified for building
  • Improved facade set editor - added facade preview, ability to delete facade and specify facades for fence or wall
  • Generating smaller area, then 1 tile - just as much as OSM PBF file defines. OSM PBF file can be obtained e.g. using bbbike.org
  • Migration to Java 8, using some newer libraries and some UI fixes
  • OSM multipolygon support - polygons with multiple rings and holes, cutting building polygons when necessary and clipping polygon to particular tile


You need at least Java 8 JRE or JDK to be installed

Download program archive from SourceForge and unpack to any folder. It's better to use path without spaces. Launch program using osm2xp/osm2xp.exe executable. Initially program was available for Windows only, starting from 3.5/4.x Linux version is also provided (see .tgz archives on website). Alpha releases with latest fixes can be downloaded from here


Please refer Quick Start Guide

Advanced usage info

OSM2XP Directory Structure

Using Facade Set Editor

Airfield generation

Faced a problem? Please look at basic troubleshooting information, maybe there's a solution. If not - feel free to open an issue here or report it in this forum thread.

Samples of generated scenarios

Example 1


OSM2XP is licensed under GPL 3.0

2D and 3D assets

OSM2XP uses some built-in assets in default facade set, 3D model set, forest definitions etc. All of them was taken from different open libraries, e.g.:


OSM2XP uses facades taken from different open libraries, e.g. from facade set by Alex Krug or World Models library. Some facades was created by 32kda in Blender specially for OSM2XP

3D Models

3D Models from different open libraries - OpenSceneryX, RuScenery and WorldModels - are used. Also several models was creatred for OSM2XP by Lenya69 and 32kda.


You can help with coding, if you know Java/Eclipse, with creating better default facade set (current one has a lot of problems), default models (cranes, chimneys, communication towers...) or just filing issues and posting improvement suggestions. Any help is welcome.

Nearest plans

  • Select 3D model for building by length, width and height (if specified)