use version https://github.com/sciter-sdk/go-sciter/tree/sciter-api
Can anyone use sciter-api in macos ? Is there anyone who can help me?
@pravic @c-smile help
> @zyxk you can try use this version https://github.com/wj008/go-sciter which was adapted for Sciter 感谢, 这个使用正常. This is great. > @zyxk you can try use this version https://github.com/AdguardTeam/go-sciter, which...
> Well, I have too little time to support - family and stuff. I'll try. I am waiting for the update. Support for macos
安装 WebView2 试试 https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/
Is there any way to solve this problem ?
感谢回复 由于查看了cn-README.MD 而使用了 yarn add vuepress-plugin-right-anchor remove后,按照英文版里使用 yarn add vuepress-plugin-right-anchor@next 并添加配置, plugins: [ ['vuepress-plugin-right-anchor'] ] 和Style后, 还是无法显示,不知道什么原因,如果您确认可以使用的话, 我一会再新装一下试试吧.
这有问题吗? 添加vuepress-plugin-right-anchor 会出现 warning an anonymous plugin or theme was detected and ignored 不知道是不是这样配置