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Logical Replication extension for PostgreSQL 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9.6, 9.5, 9.4 (Postgres), providing much faster replication than Slony, Bucardo or Londiste, as well as cross-version upgrades.

Results 165 pglogical issues
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Hi! I am writing in the hopes of getting some advice on how I can better debug the behaviour I'm encountering. We're using `pglogical` to replicate a production database into...

After replication it’s consuming more cpu and memory on provider database, any fix for this?

Hi, Seems that i can't drop any dayabase when pglogical is enabled as shared library on Postgrs 15. This is what i see in the log: ` 2023-03-10 10:32:59.671 UTC...

Hey I'm trying to replicate data between two databases one, the origin, requires client side certificate to connect to it. How can I specify the client side certificate to the...

It sees pglogical using `COPY` to do full data sync, but sometimes there is some large table in the provider, so supporting batch rows config is very useful; for example,...

Hi all, Working with PostgreSQL PGLogical Replication is just great! It helps a lot doing real time replication for analytical purposes without using any other 3d party service. Although all...

If the provider and subscriber's network shakes(for example, duration is 5 minutes), does pglogical support retransmission after these 5 minutes network shakes without data loss?

Hi, I was trying to setup pglogical replication from pg12 to pg14 of dataset with ~ 3tb. after two days, we gave up. dropped all stuff related to pglogical form...