photor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
photor copied to clipboard

jQuery photo gallery.


Photor is a minimalistic lightweight jQuery gallery with touch devices support.


Browser Support

Full support: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera 12+, IE 10+, iOS, Android.

Partial support: IE 7—9 (without animations).


  1. Include jQuery, photor.min.js and photor.min.css:

    <script src="//ajax.googleapis.colim/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <link  href="photor.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- 1.4 KB in gzip -->
    <script src="photor.min.js"></script> <!-- 5 KB in gzip -->
  2. Add some HTML:

    <div class="photor">
        <div class="photor__viewport">
            <div class="photor__viewportLayer">
                <!-- Add photos -->
                <img src="images/1.jpg" data-thumb="thumbs/1.jpg">
                <img src="images/2.jpg" data-thumb="thumbs/2.jpg">
            <div class="photor__viewportControl">
                <div class="photor__viewportControlPrev"></div>
                <div class="photor__viewportControlNext"></div>
        <div class="photor__thumbs">
            <div class="photor__thumbsWrap"></div>

    Note: data-thumb contains a path to the thumbnail.

  3. Initialize Photor:

        $(document).ready(function() {

How to build

  1. Make sure you have nodejs, npm and grunt-cli installed;

  2. When in your project folder, run

     git clone [email protected]:2gis/photor.git
     cd photor

    to clone this repo into a new subfolder and jump into it;

  3. Run

     npm install

    to install all dependencies and build Photor;

Optional task grunt dev builds Photor as well as starts a web server on port 3000, and runs a watcher that rebuilds the project on file change.


You can specify parameters on initialization.


    // General options
    current: 0,           // {Number}  Index of start slide
    duration: 300,        // {Number}  Transition duration
    loop: false,          // {Boolean} Loop gallery
    slidesOnScreen: 1,    // {Number}  Number of visible slides in viewport

    // Handlers
    single: false,        // {Boolean} Initialize event handlers if gallery contains only one photo?
    keyboard: true,       // {Boolean} Initialize keyboard event handlers?

    // Prefixes
    slideIdPrefix: '_',   // {String}  Prefix for class with slide index (e.g. "_12")
    ieClassPrefix: '_ie', // {String}  Prefix for class with IE version (e.g. "_ie8")

    // Classnames
    control: 'photor__viewportControl',
    next: 'photor__viewportControlNext',
    prev: 'photor__viewportControlPrev',
    thumbs: 'photor__thumbs',
    thumbsLayer: 'photor__thumbsWrap',
    thumb: 'photor__thumbsWrapItem',
    thumbImg: 'photor__thumbsWrapItemImg',
    thumbFrame: 'photor__thumbsWrapFrame',
    viewport: 'photor__viewport',
    layer: 'photor__viewportLayer',
    slide: 'photor__viewportLayerSlide',
    slideImg: 'photor__viewportLayerSlideImg',

    // State modifiers
    _loading: '_loading',       // Photo is loading
    _current: '_current',       // Current slide or thumbnail
    _dragging: '_dragging',     // Dragging in progress
    _disabled: '_disabled',     // Control element is disabled (e.g. left button on first slide)
    _alt: '_alt',               // For photos with an alt attribute
    _single: '_single',         // Gallery contains only one photo
    _animated: '_animated',     // Animation in progress
    _hidden: '_hidden',         // Slide is hidden

    // Algorithm
    _auto: '_auto',             // Photo is larger than viewport
    _center: '_center',         // Photo is smaller than viewport

    // Orientation
    _portrait: '_portrait',     // [image width/image height] < [gallery width/gallery height]
    _landscape: '_landscape',   // [image width/image height] >= [gallery width/gallery height]

    // Thumbs
    _draggable: '_draggable',   // Dragging is allowed for thumbnails

    // Transition callback
    onShow: function() {}



Note: some methods take galleryId as their first parameter. This allows you to have multiple independent instances of Photor in your app.

  • ###init

    Initializes Photor.

    • options {Object} Options for initialization, see format above.
  • ###update

    Recalculates sizes and positions. Call it if the size of your gallery was changed or some elements were hidden.

    • No parameters
  • ###destroy

    Destroys a single specified instance or all instances of Photor.

    • galleryId {String|Number} optional
  • ###handlers

    Sets up handlers for current instance of gallery.

    • galleryId {String|Number}
  • ###go

    Transitions to the specified slide.

    • galleryId {String|Number}
    • target {Number} Index of target slide
    • duration {Number} optional Sets transition duration
  • ###next

    Transitions to the next slide.

    • galleryId {String|Number}
  • ###prev

    Transitions to the previous slide.

    • galleryId {String|Number}
  • ###loadSlides

    Loads photos before and after the specified slide.

    • galleryId {String|Number}
    • target {Number} Index of target slide
  • ###loadSlide

    Loads a photo.

    • galleryId {String|Number}
    • target {Number} Index of target slide