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Get table data using Winium
I am using UIspy to find the elements in Windows, While automation a tool where I have table in it where UIspy is identifying only table 'Class Name'
Please find attachment for table
ClassName: "NewGrid_t"
table = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("NewGrid_t") print (table)
result : selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement object at 0x00000000033AC278
for tab in table: print(tab.text)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Winium\Winium_SAM\", line 65, in
Thanks, Sandeep S K.
@SandeepSagarK Hi! Sorry to take so long. May I help you now?
I am glad to see your response. Thank you
do you have anymore questions?
same question .. this issue haven't solved yet
Please give more info about error - full output, traceback etc
The answer is found? How to refer to the table?
public void stck() { int count = 0; double totval = 0.0; try { for (int i = 7; i <= 241; i = i + 9) { WebElement w1;
w1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//*[@LocalizedControlType='item'])[" + i + "]"));
// if (i == 7) { //; // }; String val = w1.getAttribute("Name"); System.out.println(val); double dd = Double.parseDouble(val); count++; // totval=totval+dd; // System.out.println(totval); // screen.type(Key.DOWN);public void stck() { int count = 0; double totval = 0.0; try { for (int i = 7; i <= 241; i = i + 9) { WebElement w1;
w1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//*[@LocalizedControlType='item'])[" + i + "]"));
// if (i == 7) { //; // }; String val = w1.getAttribute("Name"); System.out.println(val); double dd = Double.parseDouble(val); count++; // totval=totval+dd; // System.out.println(totval); // screen.type(Key.DOWN);
How to click button present inside the excel sheet using winium driver ?
Hi, I'm working on the desktop app, where data has no values at all, just referring the data table , table data is unable to find, I guess they didn't give the table properties. please find the attachment.
I cannot ask the developer to implement it since we are not developing it. Could you please let me know how can i use grid items-get text from any cell, click on any row if it's not implemented by the developer?
Can anyone suggests or any alternate solution, if know, Please let me know. Thanks in advance.