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[DEPRECATED] React component for 2gis-maps

React component Maps API 2GIS

:construction: WARNING: This package is no longer supported. Please use https://github.com/2gis/mapsapi instead. :construction:


For installation use command npm install 2gis-maps-react 2gis-maps

Getting started


Source code of the demo

Creation of simple map. Api referense.

A map is a basic component. For creating the map you need to specify center point, zoom level and size of dom element.

      style={{width: "500px", height: "500px"}}
      center={[54.98, 82.89]}
Creation of popup inside the map. Api referense.

A simple popup. For setting of maxWidth, minWith and maxHeight use prop sprawling. Demo Source code

      style={{width: "500px", height: "500px"}}
      center={[54.98, 82.89]}
        pos={[54.98, 82.89]}
       The content for popup
        <h3>Can be HTML</h3>
Creation of Markers and Popups on Markers. Api referense.

Simple Marker

      style={{width: "500px", height: "500px"}}
      center={[54.98, 82.89]}
        pos={[54.98, 82.89]}

Static and draggable markers. Popups on Markers. Demo Source code

        style={{width: "500px", height: "500px"}}
        center={[54.98, 82.89]}
            pos={[54.98, 82.89]}
            staticLabel={'You can drag me.'}
            pos={[54.98, 82.895]}
                The content for popup
                <h3>Can be HTML</h3>

Marker with icon and html icon. Demo Source code

        style={{width: "500px", height: "500px"}}
        center={[54.98, 82.89]}
            pos={[54.98, 82.89]}
                iconSize={[54.98, 82.89]}
            pos={[54.98, 82.895]}
                iconSize={[54.98, 82.89]}
                <h2>Can be HTML</h2>

Marker with label and static label. Demo Source code

        style={{width: "500px", height: "500px"}}
        center={[54.98, 82.89]}
            pos={[54.98, 82.89]}
            label={'I\'m label.'}
            pos={[54.98, 82.895]}
            staticLabel={'I\'m static label.'}
Creating of vector objects. Api referense.

Circle and Circle Marker. Demo Source code

        style={{width: "500px", height: "500px"}}
        center={[54.98, 82.89]}
            pos={[54.98, 82.89]}
            label={'I\'m Circle Marker.<br/>My radius doesn't change when zooming.<br/>He in pixels.'}
            pos={[54.98, 82.895]}
            label={'I\'m Circle.<br/>My radius changes when zooming.<br/>He in meters'}

Polygon, Polyline and Rectangle. Demo Source code

        style={{width: "500px", height: "500px"}}
        center={[54.98, 82.89]}
        <Polyline points={[
        <Polygon points={[
                [54.98214514427189, 82.89540767669679],
                [54.981683400666896, 82.89724230766298],
                [54.982754637698605, 82.89746761322023]
                    color: '#00FF00'
        <Rectangle bounds={[
                        [54.9827238554242, 82.89354085922243],
                        [54.98205895253545, 82.89488196372986]
                            color: '#FF0000'


For binding 2gis-mapsapi events use props similar to onEvent where Event is 2gis-mapsapi event with a capital first character.



Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
center Center position of map [54.98, 82.89]
zoom Zoom level of map 15

Optional props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example Default value
minZoom Minimal zoom level 10 null
maxZoom Maximal zoom level 20 null
maxBounds Bounds of map [ [54.98, 82.89], [54.98, 82.89] ] null
style CSS style of map container {width: "500px", height: "500px"} null
geoclicker Show popup on click about place on map true false
projectDetector Load current user project true false
zoomControl Show zoom control button false true
fullscreenControl Show fullscreen control button false true
preferCanvas Use canvas element for rendering geometry false true
touchZoom Zooming when touch (on mobile) false true
scrollWheelZoom Zooming when scrolling false true
doubleClickZoom Zooming when double click false true
dragging Dragging map false true


Can be bound to Marker, Map, Polygon, Polyline, Rectangle.

Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
pos Position on map (not use if popup inside another element) [54.98, 82.89]

Optional props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example Default value
className Class name of popup dom element example-string -
maxWidth Max width of popup 150 300
minWidth Min width of popup 150 50
maxHeight Max height of popup 150 null
sprawling Popup width on map width true false


Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
pos Position on map [54.98, 82.89]

Optional props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example Default value
label Text of marker label [54.98, 82.89] -
staticLabel Text of marker label. Label will be static. [54.98, 82.89] -
draggable Marker is draggable true false
clickable Marker is clickable false true


Can be inside Marker.

Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
iconUrl Url of icon http://maps.api.2gis.ru/2.0/example_logo.png
iconSize Size of icon [48, 48]


Can be inside Marker.

Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example Default value
iconSize Size of icon [48, 48] -
dangerouslySetInnerHTML Inner html http://maps.api.2gis.ru/2.0/example_logo.png -


Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
points Points of ruler [ [54.9827,82.8958], [54.9837,82.8968], [54.9837,82.8938] ]


Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
points Points of line [ [54.9827,82.8958], [54.9837,82.8968], [54.9837,82.8938] ]

Optional props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example Default value
label Text of label example-string -
style Style of line {color: '#FF0000'} -


Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
points Points of polygon [ [54.9827,82.8958], [54.9837,82.8968], [54.9837,82.8938] ]

Optional props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example Default value
label Text of label example-string -
style Style of line {color: '#FF0000'} -


Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
bounds Bounds of rectangle [ [54.9827,82.8958], [54.9837,82.8968] ]

Optional props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example Default value
label Text of label example-string -
style Style of line {color: '#FF0000'} -


Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
pos Position on map [54.9827,82.8958]
radius Circle radius in meters 300

Optional props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example Default value
label Text of label example-string -
style Style of line {color: '#FF0000'} -


Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
pos Position on map [54.9827,82.8958]

Optional props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example Default value
radius Circle radius in pixels 300 10
label Text of label example-string -
style Style of line {color: '#FF0000'} -


Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
data Wkt data string POLYGON((82.9155.04, 82.91 55.04, 82.91 55.04, 82.9155.04))

Optional props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example Default value
style Style of objeck {color: '#FF0000'} -


Required props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example
data GeoJSON data object { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "address": "г. Новосибирск, пл. Карла Маркса, 7" }, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [82.8974, 54.9801] } };

Optional props

Prop name Dynamic Description Data example Default value
pointToLayer Function for render point function() {} Will be render simple Marker
onEachFeature Function running on every element function() {} -
filter Function for filter objects function() {} -
style Style of object {color: '#FF0000'} -

Demo Development Server

  • npm start will run a development server with the component's demo app at http://localhost:3000 with hot module reloading.


  • npm run build will build the component for publishing to npm and also bundle the demo app.

  • npm run clean will delete built resources.