AndroidTagGroup copied to clipboard
How to limit the lines?如何限制行数?
The PM let me limit the content to 2 lines,so how can I do it?Thanks. 产品需要限制显示2行,怎么限制呢?谢谢~
1).手动在attrs.xml增加 attr name="atg_maxRow" format="integer"
2).在 public TagGroup(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) 增加 maxRow = a.getInt(R.styleable.TagGroup_atg_maxRow, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
3).在onMeasure修改. if (rowWidth > widthSize) {// Next line. if (++row == maxRow) { break; } rowWidth = childWidth; // The next maxRow width. height += rowMaxHeight + verticalSpacing; rowMaxHeight = childHeight; // The next maxRow max height. }
即可在使用时设置 app:atg_maxRow="2" 限制行数为2.