Ye Canming 叶璨铭

Results 35 issues of Ye Canming 叶璨铭

My need is really simple, given a text and a ttf font file, output the images augmented. However, the example in does not work as I expected. After I...

**环境信息** go-cqhttp版本: v1.2.0(release最新版本) **需要添加的功能内容** 找了一圈文档,没找到开启这个功能的办法,应该目前是没有的。 我的UserStory是,QQ机器人经常所在的服务器停机维护了,后面才重启,中间一段时间无法相应。希望能够重启机器人后,相应回复历史消息。

feature request

第一次是可以跑通的;第二次一直显示这个issue里面的报错https://[]( 我怀疑是因为退出的时候是ctrl c退出docker,而没有正常log out

I have a similar problem to #481. I am running 10 independent experiments together on different GPU but same file system, which is implemented by LSF (similar to SLURM). And...

**Describe the bug** The whole database is corrupted after choosing "delete key" in WinUnlock prompt!!! One day everything is fine, but the plugin prompt out a window suggesting deleting the...

按照理解,第二个表格评估的时候,是直接用CVR任务的y_true 和 模型的预测 y_pred 去评估的。 如果是CTCVR的话,评估的时候,应该首先减小数据集,把数据集筛选到只剩下 CTR=1的情况下,然后此时CVR这个label才变成了CTCVR。而相应的模型预测概率,也应该是在看到第一个标签的情况下训练的模型所预测出来的概率,才叫做CTCVR

Every search on the internet leads to your official website However, nothing about the DATASET is there. In fact, I am not quite interested in the CNN model. I...

Hi, there. Thanks for developing such a nice software. Although it is good, I believe it is practically not accessible by many people because you only provide a google play...