yii2-chartjs-widget copied to clipboard
Any chance to get something like chartjs-plugin-annotation bundled with yii2-chartjs-widget? Thank you!
EDIT: For those who needs this, I've already achieved this by:
- requiring "bower-asset/chartjs-plugin-annotation": "*", in composer.json
- inheriting AssetBundle to ChartJsAnnotationAsset (see ChartJsAsset.php)
- calling ChartJsAnnotationAsset::register($this); in the target view
@kormizz any help highly appreciated. PRs welcome.
+1 @kormizz
use yii\web\AssetBundle;
class ChartJsAnnotationAsset extends AssetBundle
public $sourcePath = '@bower/chartjs-plugin-annotation';
public $js = [
public $depends = [
class ChartJs extends \dosamigos\chartjs\ChartJs
//add annotation plugin support
protected function registerClientScript()
//other way options block in js config is empty and annotations don't work
$this->clientOptions = $this->options;
$view = $this->getView();
Should I make PR(s)?
@sasha-x that would be great. Please, make sure test work when you do. Thanks.
Can I get more detail as to where the above code goes? I'm trying to get this plugin to work as well, and would love more details...
Can I get more detail as to where the above code goes? I'm trying to get this plugin to work as well, and would love more details...
It's a long time but AFAIK:
- Require "bower-asset/chartjs-plugin-annotation" in composer.json.
- Create a new module in assets folder called ChartJsAnnotationAsset.php and paste the class ChartJsAnnotationAsset inside...
OPTION 1 - local usage:
- In View where you want to use it, call ChartJsAnnotationAsset::register($this)
- You should call this in each view where the annotation plugin is needed...
OPTION 2 - global usage:
- Create a new class for ChartJs extending \dosamigos\chartjs\ChartJs and override registerClientScript method like in the example above.
- Use the new class instead of original one...
- With this option, registration of the annotation plugin is automatic...
@mkormout a H-U-G-E thank you! I was close, but you got me the rest of the way!! For anyone else that needs a little more info (when going with option 1): At top of view:
use dosamigos\chartjs\ChartJs;
use app\assets\ChartJsAnnotationAsset;
and then the client options part in that view:
'clientOptions' => [
'legend' => [
'labels' => [
'fontFamily' => "'Roboto', sans-serif;'",
**'annotation' => [
'annotations' => [
'drawTime' => 'afterDatasetsDraw',
'display' => true,
'type' => 'line',
'mode' => 'horizontal',
'scaleID' => 'yAxes', // links to below...
'value' => '100',
'borderColor' => 'red',
'borderWidth' => 2,
'scales' => [
'yAxes'=> [
'id' => 'yAxes', //needed for the scaleID above...
'ticks' => [
'beginAtZero' => true,
'fontFamily' => "'Roboto', sans-serif;'",
'suggestedMax' => 100,
'xAxes'=> [
'ticks' => [
//'fontFamily' => "'Roboto', sans-serif;'",
'stepSize' => 1,
Again, thank you so much!