DL-NLP-Readings copied to clipboard
My Reading Lists of Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing
My Reading Lists of Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and etc.
Table of Contents
- Natural Language Processing
- Language Modeling and Analysis
- Char/Word Embeddings, Sentence Representation and Natural Language Understanding
- Machine Translation and Language Transfer, Generation, Summarization and Dialogue
- Machine Comprehension and Question Answering
- Sequence Labeling and Information Retrieval (POS, NER, SRL, RE, IE, IR, Parsing, EL, Coref, Discourse, etc)
- Sentiment Analysis and Text Classification
- Interpretability and Disambiguation
- Other NLP Research Works
- Computer Vision
- Visual Representation Learning
- Image Processing, Classification and Recognition
- Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation
- Action Recognition
- Other Computer Vision Research Works
- Vision and Language
- Survey and Others
- Image-based Vision and Language
- Image-based Vision-and-Language Modelling and Multi-task Learning
- Image Retrieval, Captioning and Edit
- Image-based VQA, Reasoning and Dialogue
- Video-based Vision and Language
- Video-based Vision-and-Language Modelling
- Video Retrieval and Captioning
- Video Grounding or Localization
- Video Question Answering, Reasoning and Dialogue
- Other Video-based Vision and Language Tasks
- General Representation Learning
- Parameter Efficient Learning and Continual Learning
- Graph, KB and Social Network Learning
- Capsule Network and Its Applications
- Adversarial Training, Attacks, Defense and Robustness
- Zero/Few Shot Learning and Meta Learning
- Domain Adaptation, Generalization, OOD and Debiasing
- Causal Learning and Invariant Risk Minimization
- Knowledge Distillation and Data Imputation
- Label Noise and Anomaly Detection
- Generative Adversarial Network, Autoencoder and Normalizing Flow
- Recommendation System
- Reinforcement Learning and Robotic Systems
- Other Research Works
- Mathematics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning and Coding Resources