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Interesting python codes to tackle simple machine/deep learning tasks

Amusing Python Codes

Interesting python codes to deal with some simple and practical tasks.

  • Basic Word2Vec Example
  • Batch Normalization Example
  • Build Recurrent Neural Networks from Scratch
  • Douban · Wolf Warrior II Film Comments Analysis
  • Dynamic Memory Network
  • Gated Orthogonal Recurrent Unit and Efficient Unitary Neural Network(EUNN)
  • Generative Adversarial Networks Example
  • Highway Networks Example
  • House Prices Predict
  • MNIST Dataset Training Examples
  • Residual Networks
  • R-Net
  • Self-normalizing networks (SNNs)
  • SELUs - Visualized and Histogramed Comparisons among ReLU and Leaky ReLU
  • Seq2Seq for Translation or Dialogue (1)
  • Seq2Seq for Translation or Dialogue (2)
  • Simple RBF Neural Networks for Two-class Classification Example
  • Stanford CoreNLP Demo
  • Stock Prices Predict
  • TransX · Embedding Entities and Relationships of Multi-relational Data
  • WeChat Exploration using itchat Package
  • Text Classification via Traditional Machine Learning Methods (sklearn-based)
  • Context-Dependent Sentiment Analysis in User-Generated Videos
  • Deep Fashion Net (keras-based)
  • CIFAR and MNIST classification
  • Punctuation Restoration (tensorflow-based)
  • Bidirectional Attention Flow for Machine Comprehension
  • Sequence to Sequence Labeler