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Solana, Anchor, Metaplex, React Minimal Example. Out of the Box, easy to start!

Solana x Anchor x React Minimal Example

Solana, Anchor, Metaplex, React Minimal Example.
This example codes is Out of the Box!
I wrote the code in a single file to make it easy to understand, without dividing it into modules.

For experimental purposes only.

How To Run

It depends on Framework (e.g. Anchor, React, JS...). Check README in each directory.

Wallet Key

I set id.json(keypair of wallet) at each directory.
Feel free to use that for only Devnet/Testnet. I hope you can easy to start minimal examples.



Solana Pay


NFT/Compressed NFT

Wallet Adapter for dApps

Wallet App




User-friendly Transaction Explorer

I recommend to use Solana Explorer for localnet.

  1. Run local validator.
% solana-test-validator
  1. Deploy something to localnet.

  2. Search Transaction Signature or public-key in Solana Explorer. Solana Explorer (localhost:8899)

Use Metaplex in Localnet

You can use Metaplex(e.g. mint/update NFTs) in Localnet.

Case 1 Anchor:

Mint NFT using Metaplex and Anchor in Localnet

Case 2 Solana CLI:

% solana-test-validator --url /
	--clone metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s /
	--clone PwDiXFxQsGra4sFFTT8r1QWRMd4vfumiWC1jfWNfdYT /
	--clone H7h6dv6X9KGLuCFvYMNa1zmCP5VCSzw8AkQGod6zaCnX /
	--clone ojLGErfqghuAqpJXE1dguXF7kKfvketCEeah8ig6GU3

Remove test-ledger directory if it exists before running.

Case 3 Metaplex Amman:

2/ Just add any program you need to the validator config and get back to building!

Outline Document for Product/Project Manager

Solana Blockchain Outline Figure

Example Image


STEPN Mapping System

Magic Eden Escrow