overwatch-heroes-icon-font icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
overwatch-heroes-icon-font copied to clipboard

Icon font for all 21 Overwatch heroes

Overwatch Heroes icon font


What is it?

This icon font allows you to easily use the stylized Overwatch heroes SVG icons in all your web projects. The icons have been created by:


  1. Add dist folder to your project (font files and ohi_font.css file content)

  2. Use a class prefixed by ohi- (like Overwatch Heroes Icon) and followed by the hero's name to display the icon and style it like any other text font:

        <span class="ohi-bastion"></span>

List of available heroes (24):

Hero name class
Ana ohi-ana
Bastion ohi-bastion
D.VA ohi-dva
Genji ohi-genji
Hanzo ohi-hanzo
Junkrat ohi-junkrat
Lúcio ohi-lucio
Mccree ohi-mccree
Mei ohi-mei
Mercy ohi-mercy
Orisa ohi-orisa
Pharah ohi-pharah
Reaper ohi-reaper
Reinhardt ohi-reinhardt
Roadhog ohi-roadhog
Soldier: 76 ohi-soldier76
Sombra ohi-sombra
Sombra (ultimate version) ohi-sombra2
Symmetra ohi-symmetra
Torbjörn ohi-torbjorn
Tracer ohi-tracer
Widowmaker ohi-widowmaker
Winston ohi-winston
Zarya ohi-zarya
Zenyatta ohi-zenyatta

License / Credits

This font uses icons from:

The font itself is released under an MIT license (see LICENSE.md file).