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Neocortex-like reinforcement learning that runs on the GPU or CPU (OpenCL)
Welcome to NeoRL, an algorithmic GPU neocortex simulation library.
NeoRL requires OpenCL 2.0 or greater to run. Unfortunately this excludes Nvidia hardware, but it will work for AMD and Intel processors. If you have an AMD card, I recommend getting the AMD APP SDK here: Otherwise, you can try the Intel OpenCL SDK: It should also be feasible to run it on a Xeon Phi.
In order to run the demos, you will also need to install SFML. Additionally, one demo (Runner) requires Box2D in order to work.
To select a demo, change the macros in Settings.h.
You can generate documentation using Doxygen and the provided doxygen_config file.
See the accompanying blog posts at to discover how NeoRL works internally at You don't need to know this in order to use it, it can be treated as a black box sequence predictor as well.
NeoRL contains both reinforcement learning agents as well as a predictive hierarchy. These are fully online learning algorithms. The simplest usage of both the reinforcement learning agents and the predictive hierarchy involves calling:
std::mt19937 generator(time(nullptr));
sys::ComputeSystem cs;
sys::ComputeProgram prog;
prog.loadFromFile("resources/", cs);
// --------------------------- Create the Predictive Hierarchy ---------------------------
// Temporary input buffer
cl::Image2D inputImage = cl::Image2D(cs.getContext(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cl::ImageFormat(CL_R, CL_FLOAT), 2, 2);
// Layer descriptors for hierarchy
std::vector<neo::PredictiveHierarchy::LayerDesc> layerDescs(3);
layerDescs[0]._size = { 16, 16 };
layerDescs[1]._size = { 16, 16 };
layerDescs[2]._size = { 16, 16 };
// Hierarchy itself
neo::PredictiveHierarchy ph;
// 2x2 input field
ph.createRandom(cs, prog, { 2, 2 }, layerDescs, { -0.01f, 0.01f }, 0.0f, generator);
You can then step the simulation with:
// Copy vals into temporary OpenCL image buffer
cs.getQueue().enqueueWriteImage(inputImage, CL_TRUE, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 2, 2, 1 }, 0, 0,;
// Step the simulation
ph.simStep(cs, inputImage);
// Retrieve the prediction (same dimensions as input field)
std::vector<float> pred(4);
cs.getQueue().enqueueReadImage(ph.getFirstLayerPred().getHiddenStates()[neo::_back], CL_TRUE, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 2, 2, 1 }, 0, 0,;
See the demos for more complicated usage.
ZLib license. See