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monorepo for vue utils, but not only vue. such as render vue jsx in template; mock decorator for class to generate faker data; vue online playground and more....

Vue Superman

Vue useful lib collection, use vue like a superman, but not only vue.

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Vue Superman is not a specific npm package, it is a collection of libraries that I extracted from the reusable part of my work.

Although it's called Vue Superman, the library provided is not limited to Vue. I hope the libraries or utils in it can solve some of your development difficulties and make your development more comfortable.


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Libs List

Name Document Version Description
vue-xrender link version A library that allows you to render jsx in vue template or render template string in jsx, free rendering is up to you. Support vue2 and vue3.
class-mock link version A mock library that allows you use decorators with classes to generate fake data. Based on faker.js library.
vue-playground link version A code editor runner, real-time editing, real-time compilation, real-time preview.
vuepress-plugin-sandbox link version It is a vuepress plugin based on vue-playground, which supports rapid writing of demos of real-time editing, real-time compilation, and real-time preview.


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This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute:


MIT License © 2022-PRESENT yangjinming