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Sentiment-based classification for stock article title using PhoBert

Table of contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Dataset

  3. Data Preparing

  4. Getting Started

    • Installation
    • Using VnCoreNLP's word segmenter to pre-process input raw texts
    • Downloading pre-trained PhoBERT
  5. Loading PhoBERT from transformers

  6. Testing

  7. Contact

Stock article title sentiment-based classification using PhoBERT

Text classification is a typical and important part of supervised learning, it has several applications in economics and attracted the attention of many stock market investors. For a long time, the news is frequently an unanticipated stock investment variable that instantaneously influences stock price directions. In front of an enormous volume of news, investors are always searching for models that automatically categorize news quickly and accurately. Thus, in this project:

  • We have utilized PhoBERT to classify news articles into three categories [negative, neutral, or positive] based on their titles.
  • The results demonstrated that after training with a dataset of over 1000 news samples from, our model achiveved an accuracy up to 93% on the classification task.


To be able to use PhoBERT to evaluate and categorize the news' impact, we provided a dataset that included 1000 titles of financial articles taken from and labeled them into three groups [negative, neutral, or positive] with the help of experts. The dataset contains 187 articles having a negative impact, 248 articles with no impact, and 565 articles with a positive impact. After that, we divided the dataset into three sets, 80% for training, 10% for validation and 10% for testing. The training set was used to train the model, validation set was utilized to tune the hyper-parameter. Finally, the result of model was evaluated on testing set. Below are some examples of our dataset.

Label Title Title (Eng)
Positive [1] Vĩnh Hoàn (VHC): Doanh thu tháng 4/2021 đạt 800 tỷ đồng, các thị trường xuất khẩu đồng loạt tăng tốt Vinh Hoan (VHC): April 4/2021 revenue reached VND 800 billion, export markets simultaneouslyincreased well
Neutral [2] Lịch sự kiện và tin vắn chứng khoán ngày 17/5 Calendar of events and shortstocks news on May 17
Negative [3] Khối ngoại tiếp tục bán ròng gần 630 tỷ đồng trong phiên 18/5 Foreign investors continuedto net sell nearly VND 630 billion in May 18

Data preparing

The preprocessing procedure was separated into two phases.

  • In Phase 1, first, we applied VnCoreNLP's Named entity recognition to extract all the proper nouns and replace those words that signify location with the word loc or name for the organization name, stock code, or person's name. To avoid any confusion when the model predicts, the punctuation was then removed, hence increasing the model's accuracy. Considering the fact that white space is also utilized to separate syllables that make up words in Vietnamese, in the last step of Phase 1, we utilized Rdrsegmenter from VnCoreNLP to separate words for input data. The title needed to be tokenized as an input for the PhoBERT model, therefore we utilized BPE tokenizer.
  • In Phase 2, we had the symbol vocabulary with the character vocabulary, and each word was represented as a sequence of characters with a unique end-of-word symbol </s> that allowed us to recover the original tokenization after translation. In example, we counted all symbol pairs iteratively and replaced each occurrence of the most common pair ("A", "B") with the new symbol "AB". Each merge process generates a new symbol that represents an n-gram of characters. BPE does not require a shortlist because frequently occurring character n-grams (or complete words) are finally combined into a single symbol. Thus, the amount of the final symbol vocabulary is equal to the original vocabulary.

Getting Started

The full tutorial can be found at Open In Colab


!pip install transformers
!pip install fastBPE
!pip install fairseq

# Install the vncorenlp python wrapper
!pip install vncorenlp

# Download VnCoreNLP-1.1.1.jar & its word segmentation component (i.e. RDRSegmenter) 
!mkdir -p vncorenlp/models/wordsegmenter
!mv VnCoreNLP-1.1.1.jar vncorenlp/ 
!mv vi-vocab vncorenlp/models/wordsegmenter/
!mv wordsegmenter.rdr vncorenlp/models/wordsegmenter/

Using VnCoreNLP's word segmenter to pre-process input raw texts

from vncorenlp import VnCoreNLP
rdrsegmenter = VnCoreNLP("/content/vncorenlp/VnCoreNLP-1.1.1.jar", annotators="wseg", max_heap_size='-Xmx500m')

Downloading pre-trained PhoBERT

!tar -xzvf PhoBERT_base_transformers.tar.gz
from import fastBPE
from import Dictionary
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    help='path to fastBPE BPE'
args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
bpe = fastBPE(args)

# Load the dictionary
vocab = Dictionary()

Loading PhoBERT from transformers

from transformers import RobertaForSequenceClassification, RobertaConfig, AdamW

config = RobertaConfig.from_pretrained(
    "/content/PhoBERT_base_transformers/config.json", from_tf=False, num_labels = 3, output_hidden_states=False,
BERT_SA = RobertaForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(


The training details has been stated in Open In Colab


To test with your own data, please follow the tutorial here Open In Colab
