Subhransu S. Bhattacharjee
Subhransu S. Bhattacharjee
Yes. I did, does not help. Also since we are trying to move towards interpretability, let's take some additional onus on ourselves and explain why changes would make any difference...
Sorry I should have been clearer. An inverted Gaussian as in f(x) = N(u, sigma^2) then y =f^-1 is what one has access to not an explicit parameterised model as...
I am fundamentally unsure of what you mean by divide it into two parts or sequences, can you kindly explain?
The errors I got were quite low but they got saturated as in 0.003 but it didnt go below that while MLPs went to the order of 1e-6.
This is not strictly generalised. I tried it with an image diffusion model replacing the MLPs with the equivalently layered KANs, the generalisation is poor. I have elaborated on a...
No, I think it just proves we still do not have enough insights to define optimality in terms of structure for the target, which is hopefully what the goal is,...
We must come up with a mathematical intuition moving further, they all still follow general additive model structures so yes. But I firmly believe if we do not sufficiently understand...
If you are asking for my experimental conclusions; let me very clear, I do not have one. I have barely started the analysis and the only way to provide one...