jspaint copied to clipboard
owncloud app
create an owncloud-app : https://apps.owncloud.com/ https://apps.nextcloud.com/
Owncloud it is a Possibility for Hosting the own Cloud in the basement via dyndns or as own provider in the own house or something for save the data's by self and not unfamiliar/foreign Server, where the possibility exist to the own data's is monitor/oversee by foreign facility from the state or someone.
and the owncloud-app can be a possibility for the jpaint to existing in the future too. So, JPaint as Owncloud app, would be great !(For the Future too !) Editing the own Pictures over the Net-on the own server ... wow..
Your handy Photograph in China or Falkland isle , syncing with the owncloud, then, go to the laptop, open you owncloud and correcting/edit you Picture with jpaint.
nextcloud is the follower and is a branch of owncloud
best regards Blacky
I've had an idea for a while now to create module to help integrate web apps into many different platforms. It would build apps for Windows, OS X, Linux, BSD, Chrome, and many other systems that to varying degrees "want" to be an operating system: Atom, Koding, OS.js, CloudDesk, and ownCloud would be another option. It would have ideally one simple API that smooths over all of that plus generating a simple API for embedding the app in an iframe on any webpage (actually probably a lot of those exports could be built on top of this generic API) all while the app still functions as a plain old web app.
So, if I do create an owncloud app, it would most likely be part of a much larger (reusable) effort.
(I also have an audio editor that I'm working on.)
Currently sitting in my working directory for jspaint are changes related to chrome web store support so I'll want to finish that up first.
well, the owncloud makes possible for connecting via webbrowser to the computer at home where be stored the private photos and soundfiles and datas.. to hold private and so on more secure as it is on an other cloud-provider can hold. And you Grafic Program and Sound edit would be the first on it, for editing grafic and sound if you make it as Owncloud plugin/app . And many more peoples would certainly looking you programs if you make maybe later more and others.. this can also be an advertising for you so :) Because, Home-servers want be coming, the Own Cloud's, so owncloud will in any case coming for syncing at home you smartfones and handle in the house you datas in future, so have any house, by side a high speed connection an own, private server .. and owncloud it's this Webapp where at most fits for private data's .. And if you make by self an OC-app for , don't need i am to say you how populate it is at end . ;) MS-Win Paint, in the Win3 and this jpaint in OwnCloud ;) And i bet, this want inspire other peoples to make an gimp or something in OC-App , But your jpaint was then the first in OC as OC-App ;)
best regards Blacky
by the way: i have easy to less time at moment for developing something, because i come now back into an normal live..and have an worktime with an 12h shift/order.
@1j01 The biggest issue to putting this on ownCloud or another web app platform like Sandstorm or Cloudron is presumably server-side storage. You'd presumably need a tiny server-side component it stored data at instead of using localStorage.
if you know how it works , it is not a problem, it's a Task ... maybe it's for you a Problem, because, you don't know how it work to save directly in the //user-account/Space I have also a bit programming in PHP (php-filemirror http://blackysgate.net/phpfilemirror/), so serverside weppage management, but i have easy not the time and enough knoff hoff to do this.. because i make money in a total other terrain .. But i make it not to a "problem" to save files in the momentary with variables setted up useraccount.. you must easy check it up how it works or ask easy.. how it be in able to works, there gives a huge Community https://help.nextcloud.com/
best regards Blacky
I would fork a simple ownCloud text editor as a basis for a project like this. But ownCloud seems too hard to set up and too corporate-focused to interest me.
I plan to create an embedding API, and then it will be easy to do a project like this in a separate repo, embedding JS Paint and sending messages to load a document, respond to save requests (or on change, automatically save), and respond to File > Open requests to provide a file picker.
Sandstorm would be very easy to implement, you'd just need jspaint to save to a single server side file, and Sandstorm would handle all document management, as each document is a separate instance of the app.
We have one contributor trying to figure out how to monkeypatch for localStorage apps but its an irritating problem to make universal for any app.
good to hear ! :)) :+1: (both) what in owncloud works should also in nextcloud works i could call it in the nextcloud community, if you have a seperate repo, tell it me and give me and i post it in the nextcloud community for possible helping hands .. :) or post it here too the new repo :)