Android-ContactPicker copied to clipboard
A beautifully designed component to pick one or several contacts (including groups) from the Android contacts list
This feature request is about providing a similar option as EXTRA_ONLY_CONTACTS_WITH_PHONE (Boolean), but for having an email account (e.g. only show contacts that have at least a mail account.
When some contacts don't have WORK email address. The following will return the same email address. Log.d("Contact", "Home="+contact.getEmail(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.TYPE_HOME)); Log.d("Contact", "Work="+contact.getEmail(ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.TYPE_WORK)); Is there a why to tell if the contact has...
Hello, is there a way to send the contacts that I want to be checked when the user open contactpicker view?
Hi, Your library is awesome. But please release new version ASAP. I need EXTRA_WITH_GROUP_TAB attribute. Tried to build via snapshot but failed with some error.
Have you consider making ContactImpl.mEmail and ContactImpl.mPhone accessible form Contact interface level? API getEmail(type) is really hard to use when we want to get all the emails/phones. Adding getEmails/getPhones methods...
Firstly I tested it on a device having 700 contacts, It worked fine but a device with 1500 contacts shows some issues. When a contact list activity is opened, and...
Hello When using the library on my device, there are two scrollbars in the Activity: 1) "scrollbar" (VerticalRecyclerViewFastScroller) 2) native RecyclerView's scrollbar (only appears when scrolling). That's how it looks:...
Whenever i try to select all contacts and click on the done button the screen turn black and the application is unresponsive. There is no error the applications just stops...
It would be good to have sources or accounts information along with groups and contacts information So that it can be differentiate if 2 groups have the same name they...
Selected contacts gets deselected when you click to see any contact details and return back.