郑诚 (ZhengCheng)
郑诚 (ZhengCheng)
geolocation has nothing to do with transaction / blockchain, you need get that information yourself, using HTML5 Geolocation API or some other methods. and then you can **store** that geolocation...
Looks good to me
ah, same problem, rails 7.0.3
I fix the problem by changing `gem 'activerecord', '7.0.3'` to `gem 'activerecord', '6.1.6'` (it's not a rails project. I am using activerecord directly to connect PostgreSQL + ClickHouse to do...
@ilovesusu 扔个例子 srt 文件给我(原文件和结果文件) 告诉我服务商和语言配置。我重现一下试试
感谢告知,我才刚知道。 我最近在看 HuggingFace 还没看明白……
暂时先关闭 issue,赶明儿我看看 PyTorch 和一些其他基础的东西。 现在我还是 机器学习的菜鸡
Fast AI 的课好像不错,刚开始看 Lession 1