I wonder if you have any solution for this question? the same trouble as you ..
Hi, I test it and it works fine, and how does your config.json look like?
Does this issue be solved now?
Hi there, Actually I test it without balance of CHR and ORN, it both returns me '{"code": "200000", "data": []}'. Could you type your error message to me ? and...
Well, /api/v1/accounts will not return the balance of pooled, it only includes type of main/trade/margin.
> @1bazinga25 I’m using Javascript but it’s irrelevant - the call is successful and I’m getting all the balances, but that of the locked ORN (type “pooled”) incorrectly shows 0....
Sorry for the late reply. I think there is no endpoint for pooled assets, so you could only check it on WEB or APP.
Hi there, sorry for late reply. Does everything go fine now?
Hi, there Are you using the new api key which is shown as V2 version?
Hi, Which endpoint you use? I guess you were using V1, but this endpoint has been upgraded ,now please check this /api/v2/accounts/inner-transfer.