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Mapping from LS3D-W balanced to the LS3D-W images

Open Jim61C opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments


I am wondering if you can provide the mapping from LS3D-W balanced images to its original image path in the original LS3D-W set. Namely, I am wondering is there a way to identify what are those sampled images in the original LS3D-W (300VW-3D, 300W-Testset-3D, AFLW2000-3D-Reannotated and Menpo-3D) set that goes into the balanced set?


Jim61C avatar Jun 02 '20 07:06 Jim61C

Hi Jim61C, Have you found this mapping from LS3D-W balanced to the original images on each dataset?


jmbuena avatar Jun 15 '20 11:06 jmbuena


Not yet. I am still waiting for any comments regarding this.


Jim61C avatar Jun 15 '20 19:06 Jim61C