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A simple way to think (HTML5 blog engine).

Ladies and Gentlemen...

h2. WIND: A simple way to think

Wind is a blog engine. And it's simple, realy simple.

HTML5 is pretty, and Wind was developed with it. Ready for the future! Until 2012, at least.

Why simple? Because you don't need a extravaganza just to write. Or do you think that Bible was written with a powerfull word processor? Powerfull inspiration, ok, but with simple tools.

Maybe you want to view a example: "":

h3. 1 - Features

Few features, but the engine is in constant development. Nevertheless, Wind dont want a lot of stuffs and tools, it's made to be simple.

The basic features are:

  • Semantic HTML5. This is a important feature to internet future.
  • Feed RSS. Basic in a blog.
  • HTML widgets. To create menus, texts, twitter widget, flicker or what you has in your mind.
  • Textile text formatting. To do a easy, beauty and semantic text formatting.
  • Database-agnostic-independent-cool. You can use your prefered database.
  • We forgot a important feature? Suggest!

New features, future features and suggest features:

bq. "":

h3. 2 - How it works?

Download the source code and install the required gems (to sqlite database):

sudo gem install sinatra sqlite3-ruby sequel RedCloth builder

Ok, now is just run the server:

ruby app.rb

Open your favorite browser, access:


Ok... login (link on footer), think and write! The default admin code is "admin". D'oh!

h3. 3 - Config & Settings

All (few) configurations can be made in config.rb file. Blog settings (name, code...) could be edited in settings page.

h3. 4 - Themes

Build a theme to wind is very easy. Just put a @style.css@ file and your resources (images, fonts...) on @public/custom@ directory.

Some simple themes are available in "wind-themes": repository.

Submit your theme!

h3. 5 - Plugins

  • "Wordpress Importer":