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A really fast way to access databases with ADO.NET
Thunderstruck is a .NET library that makes access to databases simpler and faster using ADO.NET. A really fast way to access databases.
Another ORM?
No! Thunderstruck isn't an ORM. It doesn't abstract the features of the database, just makes accessing the database easier.
Use Nuget:
PM> Install-Package Thunderstruck
Quick Guide
DataContext — Executing
Executes a transactional SQL command with the DataContext:
using (var context = new DataContext())
context.Execute("DELETE FROM Cars");
context.Execute("DELETE FROM Tools");
Executes a non-transactional command:
using (var context = new DataContext(Transaction.No))
context.Execute("DELETE FROM Cars");
context.Execute("DELETE FROM Tools");
DataContext uses the Connection String named "Default" in App.config (or Web.config):
<add name="Default" providerName="..." connectionString="..." />
If you need a different default connection string, you can specify the DefaultConnectionString name to use on the DataContext class:
DataContext.DefaultConnectionStringName = "AnotherDefaultConnection";
Or, to connect just one context to another database:
var context = new DataContext("AnotherDatabaseConnection");
Parameters binding of the Thunderstruck commands prevents string concatenation, errors, conversions and SQL injection:
var insertParams = new { Name = "Esprit Turbo", ModelYear = 1981 };
context.Execute("INSERT INTO Cars VALUES (@Name, @ModelYear)", insertParams);
You can use any object to bind:
context.Execute("INSERT INTO Dates VALUES (@Year, @Month, @Day)", DateTime.Today);
Or you can use a params array to bind values:
context.Execute("INSERT INTO Dates VALUES (@0, @1, @2)", 2005, 3, 31);
DataContext — Reading
Reading a value from the database is simple with Thunderstruck:
var carsCount = context.GetValue("SELECT COUNT(Id) From Cars");
Or specify the type to cast the value to when reading:
var last = context.GetValue<DateTime>("SELECT MAX(CreatedAt) From Cars");
Or get a list of values:
var carNames = context.GetValues<string>("SELECT Name FROM Cars")
Read data from the database and fill it to object:
var car = context.First<Car>("SELECT TOP 1 Id, Name, ModelYear, Category FROM Cars");
car.Id // 318
car.Name // "Lotus Essex Turbo Esprit"
car.ModelYear // 1980
car.Category // CarCategory.Sport (enum!)
Or get a list of objects:
var cars = context.All<Car>("SELECT * FROM Cars");
Or, load into a dynamic object. Each field name in the data source will be added dynamically:
dynamic car = context.First<ExpandoObject>("SELECT Name, CreatedAt as CreatedOn FROM Car");
IEnumerable<dynamic> cars = context.All<ExpandoObject>("SELECT * FROM Car");
Parameters binding works likewise:
context.All<Car>("SELECT * FROM Cars WHERE Name LIKE %@0%", "Lotus");
You can call stored procedures with Thunderstruck:
var whoResults = context.All<WhoResult>("EXEC sp_who @0", "active");
DataContext — Extending
Thunderstruck supports SQL Server, Oracle and MySQL with these providers name:
It is easy to create a custom provider, usually less than 50 lines of code (extending DefaultProvider).
There are two ways to add a custom provider:
- Add it as an additional provider: ProviderFactory.AddProvider("My.Provider", typeof(MyProvider))
- Add it as a custom provider: ProviderFactory.CustomProvider = (providerName) => new MyCustomProvider();
Note, when you set a CustomProvider, that is the only provider available to Thunderbird! If you want to use multiple providers, use the AddProvider() method.
Thunderstruck abstracts CRUD functions with DataObjects:
var carData = new DataObject<Car>();
var allCars = carData.Select.All();
var lotusCars = carData.Select.All("WHERE Name LIKE '%Lotus%'");
var newerCar = carData.Select.First("ORDER BY ModelYear DESC"); // SQL TOP 1
var car = new Car { Name = "McLaren P1", ModelYear = 2013 };
// Primary key filled, car.Id > 0
car.Category = CarCategory.Sport;
DataObject can make transactional interactions to execute commands, just using a DataContext:
carData.Insert(car, context);
Or, on read commands:
carData.Select.With(context).All("ORDER BY Name");