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This repository contains the code for the paper: Discontinuous Named Entity Recognition as Maximal Clique Discovery, which is in the proceedings of ACL 2021.

Information Extraction

1. Requirements


2. Data

2.1 Download Datasets

  • CADEC:
  • ShARe 13:
  • ShARe 14:

Download in-field BERTs, links are included in each paper:

  • Clinical BERT:
  • YelpBERT:

2.2 Convert Format

We preprocess the data following transition-discontinuous-ner and change the data format to our style by following code:

import os
from  InfExtraction.work_flows.format_conv import convert_daixiang_data

train_data = convert_daixiang_data("train.txt")
valid_data = convert_daixiang_data("dev.txt")
test_data = convert_daixiang_data("test.txt")

If you did not bother to download and convert, download our version from here. We only provide CADEC but not the other two, since they are not freely available.

If you use other datasets, convert the data format to fit in our style as below:

{"text": "Within 15 - 20 minutes my stomach felt empty and hollow .", "word_list": ["Within", "15", "-", "20", "minutes", "my", "stomach", "felt", "empty", "and", "hollow", "."], "word2char_span": [[0, 6], [7, 9], [10, 11], [12, 14], [15, 22], [23, 25], [26, 33], [34, 38], [39, 44], [45, 48], [49, 55], [56, 57]], "entity_list": [{"text": "my stomach felt empty and hollow", "type": "ADR", "char_span": [23, 55]}]}

2.3 Preprocess

Put the datasets in data/normal_data and edit as follows:

data_in_dir = "../../data/normal_data/cadec"
data_out_dir = "../../data/preprocessed_data/cadec4yelp"

# >>>>>>>>>>> used if "word_list" or "word2char_span" are provided >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
word_tokenizer_type = "white"  # white, stanza, normal_chinese;
language = "en"  # used to init stanza for tokenizing, valid only if word_tokenizer_type = "stanza"

# >>>>>>>>>>>>>> bert >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
pretrained_model_tokenizer_path = "../../data/pretrained_models/yelpbert"
do_lower_case = True  # only for bert tokenizer (subword_list), it does not change the original text or word_list

# >>>>>>>>>>>>> data format >>>>>>>>>>>>>
ori_data_format = "normal"  # casrel (webnlg_star, nyt_star), etl_span (webnlg), raw_nyt (nyt)
add_id = True  # set True if ids are not provided in data

# >>>>>>>>>>>>> annotate spans by searching entities >>>>>>>>>>
add_char_span = False  # for data without annotated character-level spans (offsets)
ignore_subword_match = True  # whether add whitespaces around the entities when searching spans, valid only if add_char_span = True
# when matching and adding character level spans,
# e.g. if ignore_subword_match is set True, " home " will not match the subword "home" in "hometown"
# it should be set to False when handling Chinese datasets,
# cause there are no whitespaces around words in Chinese

# >>>>>>>>>>> for word dict used for word embedding >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
max_word_dict_size = 50000  # the max size of word2id dict
min_word_freq = 1

Run InfExtraction/workflows/ to do preprocessing:


3. Train

  • Edit for training.
exp_name = "cadec4yelp" # same as the data folder
pretrained_model_name = "yelpbert" # same as the BERT folder
pretrained_emb_name = "glove.6B.100d.txt" # word embedding file
model_bag_size = 5 # top k model states will be saved in each metrics
  • Make sure your datasets are put under data/preprocessed_data.

  • If use BERT, put it under data/pretrained_models and set pretrained_model_name.

  • Set the BERT configuration file config.json:

"output_hidden_states": true,
"output_attentions": true,
  • If use word embedding, put it under data/pretrained_emb and set pretrained_emb_name. We support both *.txt and *.bin.

  • run

python -s

4. Evaluation

  • Edit evaluation part in
# for inference and evaluation
model_dir_for_test = "./wandb"  # "./default_log_dir" or "./wandb"
target_run_ids = ["0kQIoiOs", ]  # set run ids
metric4testing = "ent_offset_f1" # use model states on which metric
model_path_ids2infer = [0, 2, -1] # model states are sorted by performance on above metric
cal_scores = True  # set False if golden annotations are not give in data
  • Keep model settings the same as in training

  • Run

python -s
  • It will do evaluation on all datasets in test_path_list. The results will be saved under data/res_data after evaluation.

5. Analysis

5.1 Discontinuous NER

  • Run InfExtraction/analysis/disc_ner/ to get Table 6/7 in the paper.
  • Run InfExtraction/analysis/disc_ner/ to get Figure 8 in the paper.