h264-live-player copied to clipboard
Possible to run as ffmpeg codec copy instead of lib264?
I got the code to run with ffmpeg settings like this:
var args = [
"-i", "rtsp://@",
// "-framerate", this.options.fps,
"-video_size", this.options.width + 'x' + this.options.height,
'-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p',
// '-c:v', 'copy',
'-c:v', 'libx264',
'-b:v', '600k',
'-bufsize', '600k',
'-vprofile', 'baseline',
'-tune', 'zerolatency',
'-f' ,'h264',
The ffmpeg process on such a command takes up 100% of one of my cores and I would like to lower that. I see that the video codec output is set to libx264. My input stream is already h264. Am I correct in assuming that this command is converting h264 into h264? In my case I am wondering if that is necessary.
When I comment out '-c:v', 'libx264',
and uncomment '-c:v', 'copy',
the ffmpeg CPU usage drops to 1% but the canvas player is blank.
The canvas is also blank if I keep '-c:v', 'libx264',
but comment out '-vprofile', 'baseline',
I know that broadway.js expects the h264 profile to be baseline. My guess is that '-vprofile', 'baseline',
converts the output to the baseline profile. Is it possible for me to have the input be baseline and just use the copy codec?
I have a camera (SONY RTSP Server) for which it happens to work this: var args = [ "-rtsp_transport", "tcp", "-i", "rtsp://" , "-an", '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-c:v', 'copy', '-f' ,'rawvideo', '-' ];