nix-minecraft copied to clipboard
Ftb fails with no url attribute set, and hashes are confusing.
Hi there,
This flake does not build:
inputs.nix-minecraft.url = "github:12Boti/nix-minecraft";
outputs =
{ self
, nixpkgs
, nix-minecraft
defaultPackage.x86_64-linux = nix-minecraft.lib.x86_64-linux.mkMinecraft {
username = "USERNAME";
gamedir = "./gamedir";
minecraft.version = "1.16.5";
modpack.ftb = {
id = 91;
version = 6495;
hash = "sha256-cmnV8ZkV+FkXSkJcj2ML5iIjIiTP5OS6cwM50yooZks=";
forge.hash = "sha256-JNZwW63f02hIv5rJ8P8y2VISRjdnGCtpcxcUSFg3tww=";
If fails with:
error: fetchurl requires either
urls to be set
(while evaluating the attribute 'urls' of the derivation 'AI-Improvements-1.16.5-0.5.0.jar')
~~Also, not setting the hashes manually causes a confusing error; it doesn't report the hash that should be used. (Btw, since you're using flakes, maybe that's a job for the flake.lock?)~~
Edit: the bit about the hashes is apparently a hard "no"; see (Though the error message when not setting the hash is still confusing.)