Sagar Ganapaneni
Sagar Ganapaneni
@robjhyndman : thanks for amazing package, Can anyone help me on how to pass "different matrix regressor is applied to each series." ? or is this still not supported with...
@robjhyndman , thanks for your response, I will try the following steps, please let me know if I am missing anything. 1. I will need to create series at the...
Hi @robjhyndman , I have tried `combinef()` as directed. Generated the individual forecasts and executed the following. `combinef(as.matrix(REV_FORECAST),keep="gts",groups=gps,algorithms = "lu")` and got this error. `Error: Argument fcasts requires all the...
@robjhyndman, I generated forecasts separately at lowest level granularity. do i need to manually create forecasts for interactions between groups as well ? - For example: I have 7 unique...
Can anyone provide me insight on how to generate individual forecasts and use by `combinef()` to get optimal forecast considering there groups present in data.
@robjhyndman, I figured out the issue, I created `groups` object that does not align with my setup. Thank you !
@tobiaslindulf , Hi Tobias, any plans to include tensor calls from data load editor to R Engine using SSE integration ?
@tobiaslindulf , Tobias, thanks for the update , this would be really great feature, enables Qlik to serve visuals and analysis based on more complex machine leaning models. Looking forward...
Hi @tobiaslindulf , Could you please help me with the above issue when you get a chance, let me know if you need more information.
@tobiaslindulf , thanks for the response, I will try 1, re-check 2, try 3 and for 4: i think I can run my script stand-alone, so this should not be...