Klipper-WS281x_LED_Status icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Klipper-WS281x_LED_Status copied to clipboard

Use WS281x LED strips with Klipper


This script will take the printer status from Klipper/Moonraker and apply different effects to a WS281x LED strip.

The code has been migrated from the OctoPrint-WS281x_LED_Status (https://github.com/cp2004/OctoPrint-WS281x_LED_Status) plugin to work with Klipper.

Directions for use

  1. Install prerequsits
    1. sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y git
    2. sudo pip3 install requests PyYAML RPi.GPIO rpi_ws281x adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel
  2. Clone code to Raspberry Pi running Klipper and Moonraker
    1. cd /home/pi
    2. git clone https://github.com/11chrisadams11/Klipper-WS281x_LED_Status.git
    3. cd Klipper-WS281x_LED_Status
  3. Make script executable
    1. chmod 744 ./klipper_ledstrip.py
  4. Change strip values in settings.conf (LED pin, brightness, timeout)
  5. Optionally, change effects and colors for standby, paused, and error states in settings.conf
  6. If you want to run it manually, start script before starting print (otherwise use the service below)
    1. ./klipper_ledstrip.py

Directions to run as a systemd service

  1. Copy contents of ledstrip.service to /etc/systemd/system/ledstrip.service
  2. Modify User, Group, WorkingDirectory, and ExecStart to match your setup
  3. Run systemctl daemon-reload to enable the service
  4. Run systemctl enable ledstrip to have the service start on boot
  5. Run systemctl start ledstrip to start the service

Directions to change settings (when using service)

  1. Modify settings in settings.conf
  2. Run systemctl restart ledstrip to restart the ledstrip service

Single run for static colors

Will only work by itself, not if running as a service

./klipper_ledstrip.py <red> <green> <blue> <brightness:optiona>

  ./klipper_ledstrip.py 255 255 255 255 ## Full brightness white
  ./klipper_ledstrip.py 255 0 0 ## Red with default brightness specified in the script

To call from gcode shell commands (thanks to JV_JV for the setup directions)

Add custom entries to printer.cfg

[gcode_shell_command led_off]
command: ./home/pi/my_klipper_ledstrip.py 0 0 0
timeout: 2.
verbose: True

[gcode_shell_command led_white]
command: ./home/pi/my_klipper_ledstrip.py 255 255 255
timeout: 2.
verbose: True

[gcode_shell_command led_purple]
command: ./home/pi/my_klipper_ledstrip.py 255 0 255
timeout: 2.
verbose: True

[gcode_macro LED_OFF]

[gcode_macro LED_WHITE]

[gcode_macro LED_PURPLE]
    RUN_SHELL_COMMAND CMD=led_purple

rpi_ws281x library instructions for needed changes depending on GPIO pin used: https://github.com/jgarff/rpi_ws281x