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Podcast feed title unexpectedly adding site title
Describe the bug
Hello friends!
I just noticed this morning that my podcast feed title had started adding my site title and a double chevron character before the actual podcast title.
It should be rendering this:
But instead, was rendering this:
I dug and dug and couldn't figure out where this was coming from. Finally, I started searching through the code here to see if there was something conflicting with my theme. A theme issue may still be the case for my specific issue but I found something that seems to be causing the problem.
It looks like this function here is rendering the feed title. I'm not great with PHP, but as far as I can tell, It checks for a podcasting_title row in the term_meta and if it doesn't find one it falls back to adding the blog name, a double chevron and then the term name—which is the title of the podcast. Looks like there was a PR a couple months ago to work on this function that functionality shipped with the latest 1.8 update.
There might be more going on here than I realize, but before that last update I'm pretty sure everything was working as expected. After that update the feed title started acting weird.
As far as I can tell, the plugin never creates this podcasting_title row in term_meta. I'd expect to see it in the list here with the rest of the custom meta I went ahead and added podcasting_title manually to the term_meta for my podcast in my database and it resolved the issue!
What's weird is I don't think the reference to that podcasting_title meta was anything new. If that's the case, I don't know how everything was rendering correctly before. In any case, the plugin doesn't seem to be creating a row in term_meta for the podcast title and adding that row manually seems to make that function behave as expected and not fall back to the else portion of that function.
Hopefully this is helpful!
Steps to Reproduce
Create a new podcast, give it a name, check the feed title to see if it includes [blog name] »
before the expected title.
Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet
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Environment information
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WordPress information
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