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Swift package that enables gzip/gunzip Data using zlib

Results 16 GzipSwift issues
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I have encountered an issue while gunzipping a file 52KB size long. I mention size as I reckon that is the root cause. `public var isGzipped: Bool` works correctly, and...

Please, Can you add precompiled xcframeworks in asset tags? Thanks for all

Currently, I am using GZip framework in my sub-project and when running the application I see the following error /PlugIns/MobiConnect-iOSUITests.xctest/Frameworks/MobiCore.framework/Frameworks/Gzip.framework/Gzip) **not valid for use in process: mapped file has no...

Decompressing a remote gzip-file produces the identical file with the same size. No decompression no deflating of the size and content. Environment macOS Catalina, XCode 11.3 Swift 5.0, target iOS...

crashes at line `deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH)` on usage like this: `let compressed = try! self.gzipped()` No idea why

Could you pls make additional `[UInt8]` API? I wouldn't really like to import Foundation just for this :(


While manually integration getting linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) "no framework found issue" and on pod integration while import Gzip getting "No such...

Getting Swift errors trying to access extension after: - Embedded Binary (see attached) - Linked Framework (see attached) - Import Gzip (at top of swift file) Value of type 'Data'...

Hey. I need to send encoded url compress string with GET Request. I try to compress the data and it work, but I have dont have the magic number at...