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🚀 A curated collection of calculators for various aspects of mathematics. Anyone with a little understanding of web development may design a unique calculator and make a pull.

Results 16 CalcHub issues
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## Description 📜 Added Compound Interest calculator with good looking UI. I haven't added the calculator in `` which exits in root of the repo, because already compound interest exists...


I have seen the all the calculators in the repository and get to know that compound interest calculator has already been made. I have also made the compound interest calculator...

### Calculator Functions The Calorie Calculator can be used to estimate the number of calories a person needs to consume each day and show the recommended amount for gaining or...


## Description 📜 This is a pythagorus calculator, it takes two inputs from user from base, height and hypotenuse and gives the third value. It uses the well known theorem...


This is the calculator which gives the value of the week number accoring to the input date set by the user. ## Description 📜 Please include a summary of the...


## Description 📜 area calculator is created for telling the area of rectangle,circle and square. #265 ## Checklist ✅ - [x] I follow [Contributing Guidelines]( & [Code of conduct]( of...


## Description 📜 Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed. Please also include relevant motivation and context. Fixes #285 ## Checklist ✅ - [x] I...


## Description 📜 Added a GST Calculator Fixes #269 ## Checklist ✅ - [x] I follow [Contributing Guidelines]( & [Code of conduct]( of this project. - [x] I have performed...


## Description 📜 Please include a summary of the change and which issue is fixed. Please also include relevant motivation and context. Fixes # ## Checklist ✅ - [x] I...


### Calculator Functions It takes two input from base, height and hypotenuse and gives the third value. ### Contribution Event _No response_ ### Code of Conduct - [X] I follow...