tradingview-scraper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tradingview-scraper copied to clipboard


Open euvgub opened this issue 4 years ago • 10 comments

def get_auth_token():
    sign_in_url = ''
    username = 'username'
    password = 'password'
    data = {"username": username, "password": password, "remember": "on"}
    headers = {
        'Referer': ''
    response =, data=data, headers=headers)
    auth_token = response.json()['user']['auth_token']    
    return auth_token

Then send a message through the tunnel sendMessage(ws, "set_auth_token", ["auth_token"])

ws = create_connection( 'wss://',headers=headers)

result = ws.recv()
if'~m~\\d+~m~~h~\\d+', result):
            #Send ping message

euvgub avatar Dec 13 '20 08:12 euvgub

Thanks @euvgub !! :)

0xrushi avatar Oct 23 '21 13:10 0xrushi

@euvgub @0xrushi Hi, I tried using this function and it keeps on giving me either File c:\users\asus\trading\data in get_auth_token auth_token = response.json()['user']['auth_token']

KeyError: 'user'

or ~m~45~m~{"m":"protocol_error","p":["bad auth token"]}

I don't know why this is happening though. Could you please help me out.

P.S.: Turns out there is a reCAPTCHA verification there which is failing. Please let me know how we can bypass the verification.


madanmohan0507 avatar Nov 06 '23 06:11 madanmohan0507

Hi, I also have same debug error as above,

auth_token = response.json()['user']['auth_token'] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^ KeyError: 'user'

i'm not using CAPTCHA when i logging on,

It would be very helpful someone who rescue me.... Thanks

daltas avatar Nov 13 '23 14:11 daltas

@daltas Hey, there is a discussion about the same in the create study issue. I was able to resolve it thanks to @slukin1. You can check the same solution out. :)

madanmohan0507 avatar Nov 13 '23 15:11 madanmohan0507

No recapcha if use Chrome DevTools Protocol for receiving auth_token I`m in progress how to get cookie value sessionid or auth_token from received page or headers after log in

import json
import time
import subprocess
import requests
import websocket
from websocket import create_connection
def start_browser(browser_path, debugging_port):
    options = [#'--headless',
    browser_proc = subprocess.Popen([browser_path] + options)
    wait_seconds = 10.0
    sleep_step = 0.25
    while wait_seconds > 0:
            url = f'{debugging_port}/json'
            resp = requests.get(url).json()
            ws_url = resp[0]['webSocketDebuggerUrl']
            return browser_proc, create_connection(ws_url) 
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            wait_seconds -= sleep_step
    raise Exception('Unable to connect to chrome')
request_id = 0
def run_command(conn, method, **kwargs):
    global request_id
    request_id += 1
    command = {'method': method,
               'id': request_id,
               'params': kwargs}
    while True:
        msg = json.loads(conn.recv())
        if msg.get('id') == request_id:
            return msg
tv_url = ''
#browser_path = '/usr/bin/google-chrome'
#browser_path = '/usr/bin/google-chrome-beta'
browser_path = '/usr/bin/google-chrome-unstable'
#browser_path = '/usr/bin/microsoft-edge'
#browser_path = '/snap/bin/chromium'
#browser_path = '/usr/bin/firefox'
browser, conn = start_browser(browser_path, 9222)
run_command(conn, 'Page.navigate', url=tv_url)
time.sleep(5) # let it load
js = """
var step1 = document.evaluate('//button[@aria-label="Open user menu"]', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;;
var step2 = document.evaluate('//button[@data-name="header-user-menu-sign-in"]', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;;
    document.getElementById("id_username").value = "your_login";

    document.getElementById("id_password").value = "your_password";
    var signin = document.evaluate('//button[contains(@class,"submitButton")]', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
result = run_command(conn, 'Runtime.evaluate', expression=js)

slukin1 avatar Nov 13 '23 19:11 slukin1

@daltas Hey, there is a discussion about the same in the create study issue. I was able to resolve it thanks to @slukin1. You can check the same solution out. :)

Hi, Congraci the success frend!! I'm still in the deep err sea :)

daltas avatar Nov 15 '23 16:11 daltas

@slukin1 Thanks a lot! i got a handshake 400 error, can you guess why?

status, resp = _get_resp_headers(sock)

raise WebSocketBadStatusException("Handshake status %d %s", status, status_message, resp_headers) websocket._exceptions.WebSocketBadStatusException: Handshake status 400 Bad Request

daltas avatar Nov 15 '23 16:11 daltas

import websocket
headers = json.dumps({'Origin': ''})
ws = websocket.create_connection('wss://',headers=headers)
#result = ws.recv()
while True:

slukin1 avatar Nov 15 '23 18:11 slukin1

hi @slukin1 Great Thanx! maybe there is a problem in an unexpected place.... ;)

daltas avatar Nov 16 '23 12:11 daltas

websocket.enableTrace(True) and You`ll receive more information about the reason for the failure raise WebSocketBadStatusException("Handshake status {status} {message} -+-+- {headers} -+-+- {body}".format(status=status, message=status_message, headers=resp_headers, body=response_body), status, status_message, resp_headers, response_body)

slukin1 avatar Nov 16 '23 14:11 slukin1