Also should the Synths and the Debt really be multiplied with the sUSD price? I think NO but wanted to confirm in case I'm missing something.
> No is right - I believe it’s just an oversight right @clementbalestrat? It should show in sUSD terms The table column header should probably be sUSD instead of USD...
Ops, never had problem with the emotion plugin so thought this would just work too. Hopefully an easy ish fix
Also, if any of you have admin rights could you add @nosekit
Deployed to goerli under my account and fully synced The graph still haven't got support for goerli-optimism
Dont have access to snyk, so cant see what's happening there :(
hmm a little more work on the disabled states coming
> NOTE: I don't think we should put all the subgraphs into a single repo, maybe monorepo? So we can treat each of them as a separate package. Right now...
> TODO: periodical checks on timer A final note, react query have support for this :) ``` { enabled: Boolean(walletAddress && network?.name), refetchInterval: 3000, ...queryOptions, } ```
flow-bin version: 0.71.0