Bernhard Saumweber
Bernhard Saumweber
5.9.1-beta now supports: * Larger square spec icons * Option to show leader crown * Option to show class bars (can be useful together witrh spec icons) * Option to...
Good suggestion, but hard to implement, because the spec is only availabe as a localized string. This means I would have to map for example "Verstärkung" to "Augmentation" for every...
Might be possible, I will look into it
Version 5.3.0-beta now supports specializations. Use `augs == 0` to remove all groups with augmentation evokers. See Keywords page for more details.
Would be easy to do, but there are collisions without the class, for example: - English "Restoration" for resto druids and resto shamans - German "Verstärkung" for enhancement shamans and...
We might have a misunderstanding. I did not only implement `augs`, but every combination there is in the game like `augmentation_evokers`, `restoration_druids`, `arms_warriors`, ... See the [full list of keywords](
Okay, I will have a look if I can do something like you suggested with both a localized class and spec name.
Thanks for the suggestion. Currently PGF mostly works by filtering groups by its properties, leaving the task of translating "we are 1 tank and 1 dps" to "we need 1...
I already increased the size in one of the last updates, but it seems it's not enough. It looks like you increased the font size but not necessarily the UI...
So far, no TBC raids have been added, just the Wrath ones. I assume very little groups play Kara nowadays on the Wrath realms, so isn't it easier to just...