
Results 41 issues of 0xbok

Functions like `sub()` and `add()` will return values outside the field range if the inputs are outside the range: https://github.com/privacy-scaling-explorations/zk-kit/blob/950dc5bd5f8f53069c12b56581ed63faa5382515/packages/utils/src/f1-field.ts#L68

bug 🐛

Would be great to have tests which show how to format the proof and public inputs for the solidity verifier `verifyProof()` function. I believe it can be done using ffjavascript's...

when I cmd+click on any project on https://pse.dev/en/projects, it'd be great if the project page opens in a new tab

Foundry by default uses 0.8.13, so all the tests and gas checkings are done on 0.8.13, Hardhat is using 0.8.4. Not sure which version you want to use, hence opening...

https://docs.celestia.org/developers/submit-data#grpc-to-a-consensus-node-via-the-user-package `got get` fails with: ``` go: github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/[email protected]: parsing go.mod: module declares its path as: cosmossdk.io/simapp but was required as: github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/simapp removing github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/[email protected] ... ``` related issue: https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/15912

good first issue
help wanted

When writing tests and experimenting, sometimes it is beneficial to let `fail()` quit as soon as the first test fails. This helps debugging and avoid a lot of logs on...

**Context:** [verify_nullifier.circom#L214-L219](https://github.com/plume-sig/zk-nullifier-sig/blob/main/circuits/verify_nullifier.circom#L214-L219), [verify_nullifier.circom#L72](https://github.com/plume-sig/zk-nullifier-sig/blob/main/circuits/verify_nullifier.circom#L72) Public key is compressed twice which results in more constraints than required. **Recommendation:** Use the compressed public key for calculating the hash for `c`, although it makes...


It's important to have consistency across these impls. A few examples: - sha256 in js, circom vs sha512 in rust. - `c` is returned as a plain number in js,...