encoder copied to clipboard
Is each indent supposed to move counter by one?
I have a rotatory encoder with pushbutton. I am using this library to read the values from the encoder. Each time I move the encoder one indent, 4 events get triggered advancing the counter by 4. Not sure if this is normal or my encoder is different than the usual expected behavior. I have tried adding #define ENC_DECODER (1 << 2) before including the .h file. I have also tried #define ENC_HALFSTEP with different values with 2 or 3 events getting triggered instead. When I set the 4th parameter of the constructor to 2, only 2 events get triggered but if I change it to the default of 1, 3 events get triggered.
Is there a problem with my encoder? Is there a way to ensure that only one event is triggered per encoder indent so that it only advances the position counter by 1 per indent?
Thanks for any help!
Hi, I had the same problem on my side and maybe could you fix it with stepsPerNotch in constructor as mentioned in doc :
Depending on the type of your encoder, you can define use the constructors parameter stepsPerNotch an set it to either 1, 2 or 4 steps per notch, with 1 being the default.
On my side with a Keyes encoder, I have to specify 4.
Im not very experienced with libraries for arduino, so could someone please explain how to define the stepsPerNotch? Thanks a Lot!
i just had to figure this out, as mine sent 2 per ident. The number of stepsPerNotch is defined as a 4th variable after the analog pins as below.. In this example it defines 2 steps per notch
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); encoder = new ClickEncoder(A1, A2, A3, 2)
The referenced part in ClickEncoder.h ClickEncoder(uint8_t A, uint8_t B, uint8_t BTN = -1, uint8_t stepsPerNotch = 1, bool active = LOW);