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A quick and easy way to test gas optimizations.


Quick way to test gas optimizations, simply setup each contract with a function you want to test and run forge test --gas-report.

Example Test

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public {

contract Contract0 {
    //loop with i++
    function iPlusPlus() public pure {
        uint256 j = 0;
        for (uint256 i; i < 10; i++) {

contract Contract1 {
    //loop with unchecked{++i}
    function uncheckedPlusPlusI() public pure {
        uint256 j = 0;
        for (uint256 i; i < 10; ) {

            unchecked {

Example Output

│ Contract0 contract ┆                 ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost    ┆ Deployment Size ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ 37687              ┆ 219             ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ Function Name      ┆ min             ┆ avg  ┆ median ┆ max  ┆ # calls │
│ iPlusPlus          ┆ 2039            ┆ 2039 ┆ 2039   ┆ 2039 ┆ 1       │
│ Contract1 contract     ┆                 ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ Deployment Cost        ┆ Deployment Size ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ 42693                  ┆ 244             ┆      ┆        ┆      ┆         │
│ Function Name          ┆ min             ┆ avg  ┆ median ┆ max  ┆ # calls │
│ safeUncheckedPlusPlusI ┆ 1355            ┆ 1355 ┆ 1355   ┆ 1355 ┆ 1       │