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Results 5 orchestrator issues
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Hi team, My test are not getting executed when we have imports in Cypress/support/index.js

**Description** As we introduced the dockerComposeOption starting from version 2.1.0, It produced some errors in case of there are docker-compose commands in the preCommands list. **AC** - dockerComposeOptions should be...

Hi, I'm getting the following error using the use case master, even if I have Docker installed on my machine: [*] Checking the requirements [-] docker is not installed ❌

1. Does this support new cypress version 12. or 13. 2. I have a requirement where i need to group my spec files and run them in parallel. For example...

Hello, I have a docker container where my current tests running. Is this set up works like running multiple containers from my current one to parallize my test files? Just...