homebridge-tuya-platform copied to clipboard
Please add support for BCM700D based Curtain Rail
Device Infomation JSON File
"active_time": 1691747613,
"biz_type": 0,
"category": "cl",
"create_time": 1691433297,
"icon": "smart/icon/ay1529376107687pwiLb/4fcdd29eebd945d6748f7e027ecf2ae3.png",
"id": "bf4e6479a908413064qacl",
"ip": "-- Intentionally Removed --",
"lat": "60.4700",
"local_key": "hXqQF]|`9Hp3L_m[",
"lon": "22.1000",
"model": "BCM700D",
"name": "Bedroom Curtains",
"online": true,
"owner_id": "163071218",
"product_id": "p1fiefpamvaqek4u",
"product_name": "窗帘电动轨道",
"status": [],
"sub": false,
"time_zone": "+03:00",
"uid": "eu16914331307324sdF3",
"update_time": 1691749620,
"uuid": "f02a0704c5772759",
"schema": []
Detail Informations
I have installed a curtain rail from Abalon Tracks (https://abalontracks.com) which does not appear to be supported. Please can you consider adding support or advise how I may manually configure support.
I did find Issue #3 and with this I added the following device over-rides which seemed to take me a step further. I am able to see the curtains as an unsupported device in the Home App on my Apple devices.
"deviceOverrides": [
"id": "bf4e6479a908413064qacl",
"category": "cl",
"unbridged": true,
"schema": [
"code": "control",
"type": "Enum",
"property": {
"range": [
"open, close, stop"
"code": "percent_control",
"type": "Integer",
"property": {
"unit": "%",
"min": 0,
"max": 100,
"scale": 0,
"step": 1
I believe the relevant logs are as follows:
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] [TuyaOpenAPI] Request:
method = get
endpoint = https://openapi.tuyaeu.com
path = /v1.0/devices/bf4e6479a908413064qacl/specifications
query = undefined
headers = {
"t": "1691766044150",
"client_id": "-- Intentionally Removed --",
"nonce": "c2c54ad9-9282-459a-bdf9-5a263a92b488",
"Signature-Headers": "client_id",
"sign": "A5BC55646BF51DCF2B367893CCE8D83FC5E21F0C1054FD538359D1DAFD5C2652",
"sign_method": "HMAC-SHA256",
"access_token": "46630c6f1fa38428b4b775ad8ab3040d",
"lang": "en",
"dev_lang": "javascript",
"dev_channel": "homebridge",
"devVersion": "1.7.0-beta.49"
body = null
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] [TuyaOpenAPI] Response:
path = /v1.0/devices/bf4e6479a908413064qacl/specifications
data = {
"code": 2009,
"msg": "not support this device",
"success": false,
"t": 1691766044425,
"tid": "d8a759ac385711eea9649a766792eea9"
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] Fetching scene list.
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] [TuyaDeviceManager] Get device specification failed. devId = bf4e6479a908413064qacl, code = 2009, msg = not support this device
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] [TuyaOpenAPI] Request:
method = get
endpoint = https://openapi.tuyaeu.com
path = /v1.1/homes/163071218/scenes
query = undefined
headers = {
"t": "1691766044447",
"client_id": "-- Intentionally Removed --",
"nonce": "c037b465-179c-456e-a2eb-cde66f955175",
"Signature-Headers": "client_id",
"sign": "9B1352E98FD5460231F9706048A08D705878D2B1EF4CBC3018290EC00954DA26",
"sign_method": "HMAC-SHA256",
"access_token": "46630c6f1fa38428b4b775ad8ab3040d",
"lang": "en",
"dev_lang": "javascript",
"dev_channel": "homebridge",
"devVersion": "1.7.0-beta.49"
body = null
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] [TuyaOpenAPI] Response:
path = /v1.1/homes/163071218/scenes
data = {
"result": [],
"success": true,
"t": 1691766044632,
"tid": "d8d4008a385711eeb9b35632d139c0f4"
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] Override 'Bedroom Curtains' category from 'cl' to 'cl'
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] Unbridge 'Bedroom Curtains' category 'cl'
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] Got 1 device(s) and scene(s).
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] Device list saved at /volume1/homebridge/persist/TuyaDeviceList.eu16914331307324sdF3.json
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] Adding new accessory: Bedroom Curtains
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] [Bedroom Curtains] Product Category: cl
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] [Bedroom Curtains] Missing one of the required schema: [ 'control', 'mach_operate' ]
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] [Bedroom Curtains] Please switch device control mode to "DP Insctrution", and set `deviceOverrides` manually.
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] [Bedroom Curtains] Detail information: https://github.com/0x5e/homebridge-tuya-platform#faq
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] [Bedroom Curtains] Existing schema: [ [length]: 0 ]
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] Unsupported device: Bedroom Curtains.
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] [Tuya] [Bedroom Curtains] [AccessoryInformation/undefined/StatusActive] Update value: false => true
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] Bedroom Curtains C6BE is running on port 42867.
[8/11/2023, 6:00:44 PM] Please add [Bedroom Curtains C6BE] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 495-35-868