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Dockerized version of INetSim


Dockerfile and scripts to build a Docker image for INetSim. Version of INetSim used: 1.3.2.


To start INetSim with DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP enabled run:

$ docker run -it --rm --name inetsim \
      -p \
      -p \
      -p \
      -p \
      -e INETSIM_START_SERVICES=dns,http,https,ftp \
      -e INETSIM_DNS_VERSION="DNS Version" \
      -v $(pwd)/user_configs:/opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs:ro \


The following directories are defined as volumes:

Directory Purpose
/opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs Place for files to override default config files.
/opt/inetsim/data Service data directory.
/opt/inetsim/log INetSim log files.
/opt/inetsim/report INetSim report files.


Most of the configuration is done via environment variables. Since there are quite some options which can be set I suggest using an environment file (via --env-file) or a docker-compose.yml.


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_START_SERVICES Commna separated list of services to start. dns,http,https,ftp
INETSIM_SERVICE_MAX_CHILDS Maximum number of child processes (parallel connections) for each service. 10
INETSIM_SERVICE_TIMEOUT If a client does not send any data for the number of seconds given here, the corresponding connection will be closed. 120
INETSIM_CREATE_REPORTS Create report with a summary of connections for the session on shutdown. yes or no
INETSIM_REPORT_LANGUAGE Set language for reports. Refer to the INetSim docs for a list of supported languages. en
INETSIM_FAKETIME_INIT_DELTA Initial number of seconds (positive or negative) relative to current date/time for fake time used by all services. 0
INETSIM_FAKETIME_AUTO_DELAY Number of seconds to wait before incrementing fake time by value specified with INETSIM_FAKETIME_AUTO_INCREMENT (0 disables this option). 0
INETSIM_FAKETIME_AUTO_INCREMENT Number of seconds by which fake time is incremented at regular intervals specified by INETSIM_FAKETIME_AUTO_DELAY. This option only takes effect if INETSIM_FAKETIME_AUTO_DELAY not set to 0. 0


Some services use of TLS connections. All TLS related files (certificates, keys, DH parameters) have to be stored under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/. If this directory is empty, the [entrypoint script( will generate a private key, a self-signed certificate, and a DH parameters file. These will be used by all activated services, which use TLS. If you want to use your own files, simply put them into /opt/inetsim/data/certs/, e.g. by mounting a volume.

The following table lists which services uses which files:

Service Certificate Key DH parameters
HTTPS https_cert.pem https_key.pem https_dhparams.pem
SMTP smtp_cert.pem smtp_key.pem smtp_dhparams.pem
SMTPS smtps_cert.pem smtps_key.pem smtps_dhparams.pem
POP3 pop3_cert.pem pop3_key.pem pop3_dhparams.pem
POP3s pop3s_cert.pem pop3s_key.pem pop3s_dhparams.pem
FTPS ftps_cert.pem ftps_key.pem ftps_dhparams.pem

If you don't provide your own files for a service, it will use the default certificate (default_cert.pem), default key (default_key.pem), and default DH parameters (default_dhparams.pem).



Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_DNS_BIND_PORT Port number to bind DNS service to. 53
INETSIM_DNS_DEFAULT_IP Default IP address to return with DNS replies.
INETSIM_DNS_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME Default hostname to return with DNS replies. somehost
INETSIM_DNS_VERSION DNS version to return. "INetSim DNS Server"
INETSIM_DNS_DEFAULT_DOMAINNAME Default domain name to return with DNS replies. some.domain

Static DNS Mappings

INetSim allows you to define static domain ↔ IP mappings. These mappings can be used to make the DNS service respond with the defined IPs when the corresponding domains are queried and vice versa. There are no predefined static mappings. That is, the services uses the values of INETSIM_DNS_DEFAULT_IP and INETSIM_DNS_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME for all answers. If you want to define your own static mappings, you can add them to the file /opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs/dns_static_mappings. The syntax is dns_static <domain> <ip>.


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_HTTP_BIND_PORT Port number to bind HTTP service to. 80
INETSIM_HTTP_VERSION Version string to return in HTTP replies. "INetSim HTTP server"
INETSIM_HTTP_FAKEMODE Turn HTTP fake mode on (yes) or off (on). yes
INETSIM_HTTP_POST_LIMIT Size limit for HTTP POST requests. 500000000

Fake Files

Fake files are returned by the INetSim HTTP server if INETSIM_HTTP_FAKEMODE is enabled. You can specify the files to return based on the file extension in the HTTP request of based on the query path. In any case, the files to serve must be placed in /opt/inetsim/data/http/fakefiles.

The default mapping between extensions and files can be overridden by placing your own http_fakefiles mapping file into /opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs. The file has to contain one mapping per line; the syntax for a line is http_fakefile <extension> <filename> <mime-type>.

The same holds for the mapping between paths and files. Place your own http_static_fakefiles into /opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs and it will override the default mapping. The syntax is http_static_fakefile <path> <filename> <mime-type>.


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_HTTPS_BIND_PORT Port number to bind HTTPS service to. 443
INETSIM_HTTPS_VERSION Version string to return in HTTPS replies. "INetSim HTTPs server"
INETSIM_HTTPS_FAKEMODE Turn HTTPS fake mode on (yes) or off (on). yes
INETSIM_HTTPS_POST_LIMIT Size limit for HTTPS POST requests. 500000000

Fake Files

Fake files in the HTTPS service work in the same way as in the HTTP service (see above). Place a file called https_fakefiles into /opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs to override the default mapping between file extensions and files (syntax: https_fakefile <extension> <filename> <mime-type>) and a file called http_static_fakefiles to /opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs to override the default mapping between paths and files.


The HTTPS service expects the certificate under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/https_cert.pem, the key under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/https_key.pem, and the DH parameters under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/https_dhparams.pem. If they are not found, the default files are used.


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_SMTP_BIND_PORT Port number to bind SMTP service to. 25
INETSIM_SMTP_BANNER The banner string used in SMTP greeting message. "INetSim Mail Service ready."
INETSIM_SMTP_HELO_REQUIRED Define whether the client has to send HELO/EHLO before any other command. yes or no
INETSIM_SMTP_EXTENDED_SMTP Turn support for extended smtp (ESMTP) on (yes) or off (no). yes
INETSIM_SMTP_AUTH_REVERSIBLEONLY Only offer authentication mechanisms which allow reversing the authentication information sent by a client to clear text username/password. This option only takes effect if INETSIM_SMTP_EXTENDED_SMTP is enabled and smtp_service_extension AUTH is configured. yes or no
INETSIM_SMTP_AUTH_REQUIRED Force the client to authenticate. This option only takes effect if INETSIM_SMTP_EXTENDED_SMTP is enabled and smtp_service_extension AUTH is configured. yes or no

SMTP Service Extensions

The default SMTP service extensions offered to client can be overridden by placing a file called smtp_service_extensions into /opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs. The syntax per line is smtp_service_extension <extension [parameter(s)]>. Consider the INetSim documentation for a list of supported extensions.


The SMTP service expects the certificate under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/smtp_cert.pem, the key under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/smtp_key.pem, and the DH parameters under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/smtp_dhparams.pem. If they are not found, the default files are used.


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_SMTPS_BIND_PORT Port number to bind SMTPS service to. 465
INETSIM_SMTPS_BANNER The banner string used in SMTPS greeting message. "INetSim Mail Service ready."
INETSIM_SMTPS_HELO_REQUIRED Define whether the client has to send HELO/EHLO before any other command. yes or no
INETSIM_SMTPS_EXTENDED_SMTP Turn support for extended smtp (ESMTP) on (yes) or off (no). yes
INETSIM_SMTPS_AUTH_REVERSIBLEONLY Only offer authentication mechanisms which allow reversing the authentication information sent by a client to clear text username/password. This option only takes effect if INETSIM_SMTPS_EXTENDED_SMTP is enabled and smtps_service_extension AUTH is configured. yes or no
INETSIM_SMTPS_AUTH_REQUIRED Force the client to authenticate. This option only takes effect if INETSIM_SMTPS_EXTENDED_SMTP is enabled and smtps_service_extension AUTH is configured. yes or no

SMTPS Service Extensions

The default SMTP service extensions offered to client can be overridden by placing a file called smtps_service_extensions into /opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs. The syntax per line is smtps_service_extension <extension [parameter(s)]>. Consider the INetSim documentation for a list of supported extensions.


The SMTPS service expects the certificate under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/smtps_cert.pem, the key under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/smtps_key.pem, and the DH parameters under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/smtps_dhparams.pem. If they are not found, the default files are used.


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_POP3_BIND_PORT Port number to bind POP3 service to. 110
INETSIM_POP3_BANNER The banner string used in POP3 greeting message. "INetSim POP3 Server ready"
INETSIM_POP3_HOSTNAME The hostname used in POP3 greeting message. pop3host
INETSIM_POP3_MBOX_MAXMAILS Maximum number of e-mails to select from supplied mbox files for creation of random POP3 mailbox 10
INETSIM_POP3_MBOX_REREAD Re-read supplied mbox files if POP3 service was inactive for INETSIM_POP3_MBOX_REREAD seconds 180
INETSIM_POP3_MBOX_REBUILD Rebuild random POP3 mailbox if POP3 service was inactive for INETSIM_POP3_MBOX_REBUILD seconds 60
INETSIM_POP3_ENABLE_APOP Turn APOP on (yes) or off (no) yes
INETSIM_POP3_AUTH_REVERSIBLEONLY Only offer authentication mechanisms which allow reversing the authentication information sent by a client to clear text username/password yes or no
INETSIM_POP3_ENABLE_CAPABILITIES Turn support for pop3 capabilities on (yes) or off (no) yes

POP3 Capabilities

The default POP3 capabilities offered to client can be overridden by placing a file called pop3_capabilities into /opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs. The syntax per line is pop3_capability <capability [parameter(s)]>. Consider the INetSim documentation for a list of supported capabilities.


The POP3 service expects the certificate under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/pop3_cert.pem, the key under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/pop3_key.pem, and the DH parameters under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/pop3_dhparams.pem. If they are not found, the default files are used.


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_POP3S_BIND_PORT Port number to bind POP3S service to. 995
INETSIM_POP3S_BANNER The banner string used in POP3 greeting message. "INetSim POP3 Server ready"
INETSIM_POP3S_HOSTNAME The hostname used in POP3 greeting message. pop3host
INETSIM_POP3S_MBOX_MAXMAILS Maximum number of e-mails to select from supplied mbox files for creation of random POP3 mailbox. 10
INETSIM_POP3S_MBOX_REREAD Re-read supplied mbox files if POP3S service was inactive for INETSIM_POP3S_MBOX_REREAD seconds 180
INETSIM_POP3S_MBOX_REBUILD Rebuild random POP3 mailbox if POP3S service was inactive for INETSIM_POP3S_MBOX_REBUILD seconds 60
INETSIM_POP3S_ENABLE_APOP Turn APOP on (yes) or off (no) yes
INETSIM_POP3S_AUTH_REVERSIBLEONLY Only offer authentication mechanisms which allow reversing the authentication information sent by a client to clear text username/password. yes or no
INETSIM_POP3S_ENABLE_CAPABILITIES Turn support for pop3 capabilities on (yes) or off (no) yes

POP3 Capabilities

The default POP3 capabilities offered to client can be overridden by placing a file called pop3s_capabilities into /opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs. The syntax per line is pop3s_capability <capability [parameter(s)]>. Consult the INetSim documentation for a list of supported capabilities.


The POP3S service expects the certificate under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/pop3s_cert.pem, the key under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/pop3s_key.pem, and the DH parameters under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/pop3s_dhparams.pem. If they are not found, the default files are used.


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_TFTP_BIND_PORT Port number to bind TFTP service to. 69
INETSIM_TFTP_ALLOW_OVERWRITE Allow overwriting of existing files. yes or no
INETSIM_TFTP_ENABLE_OPTIONS Turn support for tftp options on (yes) or off (no) yes
INETSIM_TFTP_MAX_FILESIZE Size limit for uploaded files. 500000000

TFTP Options

The default can be overridden by placing a file called tftp_options into /opt/inetsim/conf/user_configs. The syntax per line is tftp_option <option [parameter(s)]>. Consult the INetSim documentation for a list of supported capabilities.


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_FTP_BIND_PORT Port number to bind FTP service to. 21
INETSIM_FTP_VERSION Version string to return in replies to the STAT command. "INetSim FTP Server"
INETSIM_FTP_BANNER The banner string used in FTP greeting message. "INetSim FTP Service ready."
INETSIM_FTP_RECURSIVE_DELETE Allow recursive deletion of directories, even if they are not empty. yes or no
INETSIM_FTP_MAX_FILESIZE Size limit for uploaded files. 500000000


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_FTPS_BIND_PORT Port number to bind FTP service to. 990
INETSIM_FTPS_VERSION Version string to return in replies to the STAT command. "INetSim FTPs Server"
INETSIM_FTPS_BANNER The banner string used in FTP greeting message. "INetSim FTP Service ready."
INETSIM_FTPS_RECURSIVE_DELETE Allow recursive deletion of directories, even if they are not empty. yes or no
INETSIM_FTPS_MAX_FILESIZE Size limit for uploaded files. 500000000


The POP3S service expects the certificate under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/ftps_cert.pem, the key under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/ftps_key.pem, and the DH parameters under /opt/inetsim/data/certs/ftps_dhparams.pem. If they are not found, the default files are used.


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_NTP_BIND_PORT Port number to bind NTP service to. 123
INETSIM_NTP_SERVER_IP The IP address to return in NTP replies.
INETSIM_NTP_STRICT_CHECKS Turn strict checks for client packets on (yes) or off (no). yes


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_IRC_BIND_PORT Port number to bind IRC service to. 6667
INETSIM_IRC_VERSION Version string to return. "INetSim IRC Server"


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_TIME_BIND_PORT Port number to bind time service to. 37


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_DAYTIME_BIND_PORT Port number to bind daytime service to. 13


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_ECHO_BIND_PORT Port number to bind echo service to. 7


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_DISCARD_BIND_PORT Port number to bind discard service to. 9


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_QUOTD_BIND_PORT Port number to bind quotd service to. 17


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_CHARGEN_BIND_PORT Port number to bind chargen service to. 19


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_FINGER_BIND_PORT Port number to bind finger service to. 79


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_IDENT_BIND_PORT Port number to bind ident service to. 113


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_SYSLOG_BIND_PORT Port number to bind syslog service to. 514
INETSIM_SYSLOG_TRIM_MAXLENGTH Chop syslog messages at 1024 bytes. yes or no
INETSIM_SYSLOG_ACCEPT_INVALID Accept invalid syslog messages. yes or no


Parameter Description Example
INETSIM_DUMMY_BIND_PORT Port number to bind dummy service to. 1
INETSIM_DUMMY_BANNER Banner string sent to client if no data has been received for 'INETSIM_DUMMY_BANNER_WAIT' seconds since the client has established the connection. If set to an empty string (""), only CRLF will be sent. This option only takes effect if 'INETSIM_DUMMY_BANNER_WAIT' is not set to 0. "220 ESMTP FTP +OK POP3 200 OK"
INETSIM_DUMMY_BANNER_WAIT Number of seconds to wait for client sending any data after establishing a new connection. If no data has been received within this amount of time, 'INETSIM_DUMMY_BANNER' will be sent to the client. Setting to 0 disables sending of a banner string. 5