easy-keybase.io-encryption-extension icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
easy-keybase.io-encryption-extension copied to clipboard

This is a simple extension to encrypt text with key base user's public keys

forthebadge forthebadge

Easy KeyBase.io Encrypt Extension

A Google Chrome extension that uses public keys from keybase.io to encrypt messages.

Easy KeyBase.io is transparent and done completely in javascript. While some do not like this (encrypting with JS) it's the only real option for a chrome extension.


  • Encrypting messages with public keys from keybase.io
  • Auto complete Keybase.io searching
  • Signing encrypted messages with private keys
  • Signing plain-text messages with private keys
  • Immediately copy encrypted text to clipboard
  • Export straight to pastebin
  • Highlighted text can be right clicked and encrypted

More Info

For the Chrome Extension:

For more information on Keybase.io's kbpgp.js:

  • https://github.com/keybase/kbpgp
  • https://keybase.io/kbpgp

For more information on the Keybase.io API:

  • https://keybase.io/docs/api/1.0

Sign up for KeyBase.io and start encrypting things today (or just use PGP, but that's less fun)...


The Pastebin support does work, but PGP encrypted messages can sometimes get pegged as spam. You can still view them through the link; you just have to pass the captcha first when viewing the link.