
Results 24 comments of 0x1

Let's see what will happen. GitHub is and will be unbeaten for years.

@marcus-sa Let us see what will happen to GitHub

I created a new Slack Team. If anyone is interested in planning nor building a new decentralized hub, join here. Slack: [Join](https://join.slack.com/t/paket-hub/shared_invite/enQtMzc1OTY5NzAyNTc2LWEzNTkyMTE3NjQzOWJlNzZjZGJhNmE5NTVlOWRhMGJmYzhkYWU0ZGNmOTg3M2Y1MGFkNDNiMGE5OGRlMmVmMWI) Github Space: [paket-hub](https://github.com/paket-hub)

https://github.com/upend/IF_MS_BUYS_GITHUB_IMMA_OUT/issues/25 We are talking about how to build a decentralized version, that is from the community, for the community.