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Run GPT model on the browser with WebGPU. An implementation of GPT inference in less than ~1500 lines of vanilla Javascript.

Results 17 WebGPT issues
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Access to fetch at 'file:///C:/Users/idgaf/OneDrive/Desktop/WebGPT/models/better_shakespeare/params_gpt.json' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, isolated-app, chrome-extension, chrome, https, chrome-untrusted....

Example: https://github.com/josephrocca/gpt-2-3-tokenizer/issues/1

Hello @0hq, I think the below results are not the expected behavior. ![](https://i.ibb.co/pfgJbNf/Screenshot-from-2023-04-20-23-46-43.png) Shakespeare Model. ![](https://gcdnb.pbrd.co/images/zlOK1i3URlrF.png?o=1) GPT2 Model. # Environment Arch Linux Chrome Canary Version 114.0.5720.4 (Official Build) dev (64-bit)...

Hi! 👋 Thanks for sharing your project! I've got a question about this part of the Readme: https://github.com/0hq/WebGPT/blob/5ce0182a81a049784173be1ae19d4742d79a1768/README.md?plain=1#L15 On Chrome Canary v114, I couldn't see the difference between running it...

Steps to duplicate 1. Clone the repo 2. serve the files using `serve` npm package 3. Open on Canary with Unsafe WebGPU enabled 4. Click on "Load GPT2 Model" Current...

Hi! Reaching out from the Microsoft Edge team! When visiting kmeans.org with a browser that does not have WebGPU support the site recommends using Chrome. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/74324031/234663731-05189af5-9d63-4ef0-902a-78605dcdc9a9.png) Is it possible to...


Don't have time to add it to your systems in place, but this 3.5x the FLOPs for a very skinny matmul (cached KV inference) and should 4x decrease the model...